School Lunch

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To be entirely honest, my school's lunch is awful .I'm not even exaggerating.

 It all comes pre-packaged. It's disgusting, unappetizing and rubbery 'food'.

You probably could've gotten more nutrition from eating from a trashcan.

All the students at my school had expired and chunky milk today, and it's not even close to the first time that's happened.

The school feeds the kids expired 'food'.

Expired this,

Greasy that.

Vomit-inducing 'meals', really.


One time,

probably like 15 kids were perfectly healthy,

ate the school lunch,

and then the next thing you know

they cant stop throwing up.


They ever so slightly improve it this year versus last year,

but it's still the rubbery, greasy 'food' it is.

I can barely call it food



That's why I eat home lunch.

I ate school lunch three times in two years,

and those days were probably the biggest mistakes of my life.

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