Tag-y thing-y

21 1 7

(I was tagged by Madisun10)

Nickname: Meow, iMeow, iMeowie, Meowie, Meowmeow, iMeowmeow, iMeowmeow654, and whatever other names I may have forgotten that people call me.

Eye Color: Uhm.... they change color. At the moment they are greyish silver, but sometimes they are blue.

Hair Color: Blonde (Omg you have no idea how many Dumb Blonde jokes I have to put up with. It's really annoying because I'm the smartest person in my class, and in the top two or three of my entire grade/school)

Favorite Color: Grey (Yeh just like my eyes), Light blue, Red, Forest Green

Favorite Place: (Real) The tops of mountains at night. (Fake) My own imagination.

Favorite Animal: (Real) I'm rather fond of cats. (Fake) Gryphons. And Dragons

Favorite Celebrity: Meh. I don't pay attention to celebrities. Like at all.

Fact: omg lol i could make an entire page of these.

Favorite Book: (y u do dis to meh)

Harry Potter 1-7 (2 and 4 especially), Rooftoppers (No spoilers I haven't finished it yet), The Land of Stories Book 1 (Haven't finished this one either),  and about a million others I can't think of. Just ask me if I like a book and I'll answer honestly. I've also liked every book I've ever read except 1 book, hich I didn't feel very strongly about. That one book was okay I guess.

(I'll tag people in the comments because I am one hundred percent sure it notifies everyone.)

((If I tag you,  you have to do it.)

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