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I went to a school dance today! It wasn't like a prom or anything, much much more casual.

Waaaaay too much happened in the two hours that the dance lasted for.

Here is a random assortment of the many experiences I had during my first school dance.

Each one of these could be a different chapters, but I'm going to put them all here.


The dance was in the gym, so the bleachers were on the side.

There was too many that sat on the bleacher THE ENTIRE DANCE.

Getting into the dance wasn't free. You paid six dollars to get in.

Why would you pay ANY money to sit down for two hours?

It makes no sense.

I sit down for several hours a day, for free.


Most of my friends wore dresses, but I didn't. I can dance 'better' with pants on.


I can't dance. At all. But I danced like there was nobody watching. And if people stared at me, I would scream at them, "STOP STARIN' AT ME, YA WEIRDOS"


At the beginning, like nobody danced. I did. I danced my heart out.

In the middle, there was over half the party dancing. Other people stood on the outskirts awkwardly, or sat on the bleachers the entire time.

By the end, everybody was tuckered out, so there wasn't much dancing. Until some party songs came on.

The freaking Whip and Nae-Nae song came on, and it was crazy. (shut up I know it's not called 'The Whip and Nae-Nae song')


This random person I had never seen before came up to me and said, "high five"

Obviously, if someone wants a high-five, you don't leave them hanging.

So I raised my hand to give them a high-five, and then they lowered their own hand and ran away.

About five minutes later, the same person came back with his friends, and high-fived all my friends.



A couple people started spreading some pretty nasty rumors about a girl I know making out with a boy in the boy's bathroom.

They were like, "Girl1 was making out with Boy1 in the boy's bathroom."

Girl1 started crying, and it got pretty bad.

And then the same people--probably-- started spreading more rumors, saying

"Boy1 kissed Girl2."

And one of my other friends, who I will call Friend1, was ready to about murder Boy1. I swear Friend1 gets too caught up in gossip, and tends to believe everything she hears. But I guess Girl1 and Friend1 and like besties so....


Boy2 repeatedly kept trying to give me relationship advice?

Basically, Boy3 apparently had a crush on me (what.) and Boy2 was trying to tell me to tell Boy3 the truth.

It was super duper awkward, because I don't have a crush on Boy3. or anyone else for that matter...

So...I friend-zoned Boy3.

Sorry, man.

Why do I have to get caught up in drama that high-schoolers have to deal with too?


Friend2 and Friend3 (ship material right there) stayed together literally the whole dance. they never left each other's side.

Because when you're in a dimly lit room FULL of people running around and dancing, it's pretty easy to lose track of someone.

But they never did.



There's probably a lot more to it, but that's all I can remember for now.


that was my first dance.

Overall, I really liked it. (no matter how much drama there was)

I'm definitely looking forward to any dances in the future!

But I won't be going with anyone, except a group of friends.


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