Using Writing Prompts!

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(all these prompts aren't mine. so credit)


Prompt From Maddisun10

"Write about a hero or heroine observing the sunset with a companion."

Alright!! Here we go~! *cracks knuckles*


I sat on the cliff side of Sylva, my home. The wind blowing gently through my straight black hair. My best friend seated right next to me. I turned to face her, a smile appearing on my face when I saw her smiling to herself.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked her inquisitively.

"H-Huh?" my best friend jumped slightly, seeming to snap out her thoughts.

"I asked what you were so happy about. I saw you smiling."

"J-Just everything we've managed to accomplish, y-you know?"

Tessa was always a little shy, but I thought she would've warmed up to me by now. After all, we have been friends for at least two years now. She didn't though. She stutters, she cuts herself off halfway though a sentence, and she still rarely starts a conversation.

"Really? I didn't really think of it that way. I guess I never really wanted to be a hero anyways..." I said thoughtfully, turning to face towards the sunset, which started to sink down beneath the horizon.

"Well, Ruin, sometimes things just--" she started, pausing for a second as she furrowed her eyebrows. "--they just happen."

"You're right Tessa. Sometimes things just happen." 

I stared at the sunset,

Tessa started nervously, "I wish we could--I wish we could--"

I waited patiently for Tessa to finish her sentence, knowing that If I were to rush her than she wouldn't finish at all. Better to wait for her words than to not have them at all, right?

"I wish we could just Just watching the sunset everyday. I wish that all the people here could forget about us 'saving the world'. I really don't feel like we deserve all of these attention."

"You're just a wallflower." I said gently tapping her nose. She blinked, head tilted. "We did a lot, we did everything according to the legends they'll probably tell. I know we never would've made it without Jasmine, or Taras, or even Kunal."

"I kn-know."

I drew in a deep breath, "And I never would've made it without you, either. I be honest with you abut something, and I don't want to sound stuck-up, or like I'm better than you. I really would've died without your help."

"You can be honest with me."

"I'm the one that's mentioned in the prophecy, aren't I? You know that... Because of that, I...I might end up getting more attention, or more recognition...I really, truly want you to know I never would've gotten a quarter as far as I did without you. You were always right next to me from the very beginning..."

Tessa listened quietly.

"I want you to know I appreciate every single thing--little or big--that you have ever done for me, no matter how things turn out once everyone knows what we did."

"I understand. I won't get jealous of any attention you get. I promise." Tessa smiled.

"I promise to not ever let my ego get in the way of our friendship." I smiled back at her.

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