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I've had small fits of inactivity, or of not updating....


this is.....

too much.

I hadn't updated Concealed, or Blind, since like September 16th...


i'm so sorry

i got an update for each of them that is a bit longer than usual,

and as of right now an incomplete chapter on the way for both.

i don't even have a valid excuse for why neither of them hadn't been updated...

but i guess i can try.

*serious mode, activated*

I can only guess that the reason neither of them were updated is because it was about September 16th was when The Elements of Trust(The Great Escape at the time) first was updated. I guess I really wanted The Elements of Trust to do well, because I had put a lot more thought into it instead of just taking and idea and jumping straight in, and actually developing characters properly, and having almost the entire plot written out before even starting the first chapter.

Maybe since I put so much thought and consideration into TEoT--

(listen, I know that 'o' shouldn't be there because of the way acronyms work, but deal with it.)

But maybe since I put so much thought and consideration into TEoT, it drained all of my creativity and inspiration. and I didn't have any good ideas for Blind or Concealed....

From now on, I'm definitely going to be spreading my inspiration throughout all of my books.

*serious mode, deactivated*

like, i'm still really upset over how long i made everyone wait for those chapters....

i'm so, so, so, so, so, so, SO sorry

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