To Kory~

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This is for -Kory-, but if for some reason you want to read it, go ahead. I won't stop you.


I'm bad at starting things.

So... Let's just go.

On Kory's profile, it says:

"• Meow : My best online friend and a really fun and great Rper."

'-and a really fun and great Rper.'

Kory, you have no idea how happy this makes me.

I had been in many, many Rp's for before joining Wattpad,

But on the particular site I Rp'ed on, everyone always complained about 'Bad RP'ers.'

Some people were Good RP'ers and other one weren't.

I honestly never knew which one I was.

I mean, I considered myself a good RP'er, and that's all that should matter, but still.

I barely ever actually got to RP with someone on that site, and I thought people ignored me because they thought I wasn't good at RP'ing.

I had asked a few people that, somehow, I had RP'ed with, but they never actually answered my question.

Thank you so much.


I don't care if it's a stupid thing to say, but I really am glad that you think that way.

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