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I'm sorry I haven't been on much recently.

First, my first quarter of school is almost over so I'm stressing about having to go to a different elective next quarter and what it will be like. My friends who had that elective this quarter are telling me its really boring and you just memorize vocabulary words the whole time.(my elective next quarter is technology, btw.)

Second, I've been prepping for nanowrimo which I'm doing this year! (My username on that is iMeowmeow654, yeah I know I'm super creative) So you should also know I won't be on much next month because I will be putting almost all of my spare time into that.

Third, I'm been super, duper busy with other stuff:

-I have a field trip tomorrow.  I have to be at school by 5:30 AM, and normally my school starts at like 7:30. I usually wake up at 6:30 but tomorrow I will have to be up at like 4:30. I also will not return to my house until like 6:00 PM that day so...

-Then, on Wednesday is my parent-teacher conferences.... Which normally I would not be worried about because I get good grades. Except this year I have to be in charge of my 'parent-teacher' conferences instead of the teacher actually doing it.  ;~; it's not even a parent-teacher conference, its a parent-student conference now. 

So I'm really sorry about not being active much in October.... I probably won't be online or responding that much in November either because of the whole Nanowrimo thing. I promise to make up for it in December(until Christmas rolls around).

(if you're not doing nanowrimo I would totally suggest doing it. We can be buddies! Really, nanowrimo is a challenge to see if you can write 50,000 words in just 30 days--the whole month of November. Although it hadn't started yet, if you want to do it it starts on November 1st so you don't have much time.)

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