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Sorry for no life updates, I was a little busy.

Basically, today was my first day of my third week at school, so we're just now getting into lessons.

So far, middle school isn't bad. The only things I really dislike is having to wake up WAY earlier than I had to in elementary. I also don't like how I have like zero friends in any of my classes.

My teachers aren't mean, but my band teacher and my Read/Write teacher are my favorite so far. (Read/Write is actually different than English. I have a class for both of those.)

I think those two teachers are just very--I don't know really how to explain it. They have a very defined personality. My band teacher is a bit no nonsense and very straightforward, but he does crack a joke or two every now and then.

My Read-Write teacher is VERY no nonsense. She likes teaching though, like she isn't mean. If your a good student and you pay attention and do what your supposed to, she'll be very nice and understanding. However, if you're never paying attention, she isn't afraid to crack the whip. But being 'bad' has to be constant, so it's not like you have to be an angel to get treated nicely.

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