If Only You Knew

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I was going through on the comments on the Mystic Camp page of the wolf rp to reminisce in the memories,

when I out found -Kory-and RaindancerOfPyrrhia

had an interesting conversation while I was tempted to quit. (I also didn't notice it until know actually)


they say they wouldn't let me leave (thanks chu guys you're the best)

but then Ivy said,

"Ah. Yeah. But I'm staying through to the end. I don't think I'll be quitting Wattpad anytime soon"

and Kory said.

"high five same here."

If only you knew, past Kory, if only you knew.

(Kory quit Wattpad for like, a month or so, because she needed to work on her grades, if you didn't know)

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