when did this happen...?

28 5 9


this is part 200!!!

what do i do for 200 parts

i wanna make this special....


let's... tell a story. yes, that.

okay let's go.



From Ugly to Pretty, by iMeowmeow654

On no Friday in particular, I pulled open my locker to put my stuff away before heading to lunch. The girl next to me is one of those super pretty girls, and she keeps a huge mirror in her locker. Using her mirror, I took a good look at myself.

Blonde hair in two messy braids? Check. Light brown eyes?

...Black framed glasses? Check. 

Is Sierra a nerd? Affirmative. Does Sierra care?...maybe a little. 

I shook myself away from her mirror before my pretty girl neighbor thinks I'm being weird for staring into her locker. And I headed off to lunch.

However, before I am able to reach my destination, I spot a particular boy walking down the hallways, with a girl on each of his arms. The boy is Dustin. Every single girl in my school has a crush on this boy. Including me. But he'd never notice me anyways. No one ever does.

Ducking my head down to hide my quickly reddening face, I speed past him to get to where I'm going.

I hurry into the lunchroom, and quickly scan the tables. I spot a boy with blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, and freckles splattered across his face. Reese. My best friend.

I hurry over to him and sit down.

"I want to get Dustin's attention..." I murmured to him. Reese knew all about Dustin. But Reese wasn't very helpful when it came to my girl problems, which I understand.

"Uh... If you want to... to get his attention..." Reese started. He seemed to be second guessing saying anything at all. "Maybe... erm... try changing yourself up a bit?"

I knew he was only trying to help me. He didn't mean anything mean by saying that, but I got his meaning.

I guess I wasn't the most attractive girl out there. But was that really only the only say to get to him...?

I suppose it is... So I'll have to do it.

~~~<><><><><>TIME SKIP THE FIRST<><><><><>~~~

Over the weekend, I had bought contact lenses, which I'd never done before. I put in my contacts, and threw my hair back into my signature two braids before heading off to school again on Monday.

Once I arrived at school, I tried to look for Dustin. But I had to be subtle.

Fortunately for me, Dustin stood just around a corner, but he still had his two girls practically clinging onto him.

I walked around the corner, walking past Dustin, smiling widely to show off my teeth, which now had no braces.


"She looks so different!"

"So pretty!"

"But we're prettier than her still, right?" I heard the girls on Dustin's arms asking.

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