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I don't think I'm EVER going to make a schedule and stick to it.

And I have reasons other than, "i'm lazy."

1. It makes you seem professional, and I'm certainly not professional at all. (suckiest of reasons)

2. If I don't feel inspired, I won't update. Making a schedule is forcing me to update. If I'm not inspired, the chapter is going to suck. I don't want to release chapters that suck. I want 'good' quality chapters.

3. I have WAAAY too many books to make a schedule. I'd have to write everyday, for like an hour for the shortest or short chapters to come out. i really don't have time for that. Middle schoolers have A LOT of homework.

So, I might never have a schedule.

But, for not having a schedule, I do update quite often, don't cha think?

More than some people I know.

(Shots fired)

Maybe things will change in the future, but not for a least a long while I won't have a schedule.

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