Love everyone

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Seth's POV

Damn it, why does Roman make me feel this way?

He's extremely good looking and has an even better personality. I like him a lot, but he won't like me back. Why would he, I'm just Seth Rollins, a regular guy. Roman is too good for me.

I see Roman and Dean come into the locker room, so I hide in a corner to make it seem like I wasn't there. I see Dean kiss Roman and gasp in shock. I didn't know my two best friends were dating. Well this makes me feel worst.
I get out from the corner, as Dean pulls away.

"Sethie, hey there." Dean says and I look away sadly.

"I'm gonna shower." Roman says and leaves.

"Rollins!" Dean yells.

"Yes Dean." I say, looking at him.

"I am cuter than you. I'm going to ask Roman out and he's gonna be mine so don't even try." Dean says and I feel tears prick at my eyes.

"But I never said anything." I say looking away again.

He pulls my chin and turns me to look at him.

"I know you fucking like him and he likes you back," he pauses, covering his mouth. "but anyway he's going to be mine"

He likes me back? Dean wants him? Just then Dean comes back into the locker room and taps my shoulder.

"What did I do this time?" I ask.

"Its what you didn't do!" he says and I was surprised.

What didn't I do. I'm confused.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"This!" he replies, smashing his lips onto mine.

After processing what was going on I kiss Dean back. I feel nothing in the kiss, it's dull. I pull away and Dean sighs.

"Sethie, I love you." Dean says and all I can do is nod my head.

"Seth what's wrong?" He asks and I look at him.

"I want Roman so badly and you just hurt me when you kissed him and threatened me. Now you tell me you fucking love me, Ambrose, you don't." I yell.

He walks out of the room to who knows where. Roman walks out of the bathroom in a towel, I totally forgot that he was in here. He must of heard me and think I'm a faggot.

"Sethie I h-" He starts, but I run away.

"Seth come back" I hear him yell, but I keep on running.

I bump into someone and fall onto the floor. It was Dean and he looks like he was crying. Should I ask him why?

Roman's POV

Damn Rollins, just ran away from me. I love him, I just didn't think I was good enough for him.

I put on my ring gear and run after Seth. I saw Dean and Seth chatting and I sigh. Maybe he likes Dean, maybe I should just quit on loving Seth. Someone calls my name causing me to look up.

"Seth" I call and he nods.

"Roman, I need to talk to you" he says and I sigh nodding.

He's probably going to tell me he likes Dean and how can he get him. I mean if he does, why would I help my crush get another guy? Seth and I sit adjacent each other and I turn to face him.

"Rome, I like you a lot and I really wanted to tell you earlier but I was scared and now I'm coming out to you." He says and glances away.

This is a complete shock that he admitted his feelings to me. Dean kissed me earlier, I need to ask him what that was about, but right now, Seth is the priority, I need to focus on him.

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