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2 weeks later...

Roman's POV

"It's true, babe." I whine, as Dean disagrees again.

"Roman, now is not the time." He replies irritated.

"I should've never agreed to this." I say, storming into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I hear consistent pounding on the door, but I drown it out. I grip the sink, as tears spill from my eyes.

"Roman, Roman, please open up." Dean pleads, banging even harder on the door.

I twist the knob, and he immediately rushes in. He closes the door behind him, and wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Roman," he whispers calmly.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, baby." He says.

I turn around in his embrace, and place my balled fists against his chest.

"No, you're not." I whisper.

"Roman, I am." He says, his eyes softening.

"What are you sorry for, huh?" I ask.

"Whatever I did to hurt you." He says, and I laugh.

I laugh heartily, and stare at his stupidly handsome face. I pound my fist against his chest, as tears fall down my face once again.

"Go meet him." I hiss, pushing Dean roughly.

He stumbles backwards, his thighs hitting the bath tub. He stares at me in shock and confusion, mostly hurt.

"Tell me what I did wrong?" He asks.

"You weren't paying attention when I was speaking earlier, and now you want me to repeat it. You don't care how I feel." I say, squeezing my eyes shut to reign in my temper.

"I was listening, but my mind got distracted." He replies.

I recall the events of this morning, as I look away from my 'boyfriend'.

"Dean!" I screamed at him, as he prepared breakfast.

"Roman, hey," he replied sweetly.

"Why are you never with me as much?" I asked, tapping my nails against the counter in irritation.

"I am. I'm with you 24/7 Rome." He said chuckling.

My face remained stoic, and he frowned noticing my expression.

"Are you jealous?" He asked, intending to lighten the mood, but it had only fueled my anger.

"No, I'm not. I'm upset that you give Seth more attention than me." I said, my nostrils flared in anger.

"That's not true." He replied, shaking his head.

"It's true, babe." I had whined, and he had disagreed again.

"You weren't listening." I say, crossing my arms.

"Dean!" Seth shouts, interrupting me. The dirty-blonde haired boy, glances at me, and I shake my head not caring anymore.

I go into the bedroom, and lay on my stomach. I hear Dean's footsteps tramping past the bed, and I sigh.

"Deanie." Seth shouts again, and I cover my ears with the pillow.

Seth's POV

"Hey, baby, I'm here." Dean says, entering the room.

"Hi," I say, giggling.

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