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Seth's POV

I hear voices speaking all around me. I start to regain feeling in my body and I'm better able to recognize the voices. They're Roman, Dean and Paris' voices. I start moving my fingers but it feels heavy. I open my eyes and it feels like I've been hit by a truck. My head throbs excruciatingly. I feel tears slip out of my eyes at the pain.

"Omg Sethie you're awake. I'm so happy." She says and releases my hand.

She places kisses all over my face and on my lips. It feels nice to be loved.

"Seth! I'm happy you're okay." Dean says and Roman nods in agreement.

They walk over and gently grab my hand and place kisses to my cheek. I couldn't help my smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"We're sorry for all the pain we've caused you. For everything that's happened. We hope you can forgive us." Roman says.

"Y-y-yes" I struggle to say.

They both smile at me and at each other. Paris leaves the room to call the doctor and Dean and Roman question me.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dean asks.

I nod my head. It was slowly coming back to me what had happened.

"You don't have to tell us now. When you're rested and able to talk you can tell us." Roman says assuringly.

"O-okay." I reply coughing a little.

My throat feels like there's sand stuck in it. It feels extremely dry.

"W-water." I manage to choke out.

Dean shakes his head in understanding and leaves to go get me some. That leaves Roman and I alone.

"Seth I'm sorry. I wasn't good to you. I'm happy you've moved on and found somebody who can treat you better than I can." Roman says and I smile at him.

A genuine smile. Because his apology was sincere. He wiped away his tears and I frown.

"Don't frown, babe. I just hate seeing you in this state. I wish I could take everything that happened back and start over." Roman says and Dean enters the room.

He brings the water over to me and places the straw in my mouth, instructing me to drink it. I slowly sip the water until the bottle is empty. I let out little coughs and then smile at my best friends.

"Thanks, Dean."I say clearly.

"Yay, he can talk now." Dean cheers and we all laugh.

"Apology accepted, Roman Reigns." I say and he smiles.

Dean walks over and wraps his arms around Roman's neck. Wiping away his tears and pecking his lips. They look happy together and that makes me happy.

Paris finally returns with the doctor after what feels like ages. Dean and Roman pull apart and the doctor asks everybody to leave, so he can update me on my condition.

"We'll be just outside Sethie." Paris calls back as they all exit the room.

"Hi. I'm Doctor Mitchel. How do you feel Seth?" He asks.

"Like I was run over by a truck. I can barely move my body parts. Except my head." I reply.

"You practically were run over by a truck." The doctor says.

"Oh." I reply.

"Your injuries will heal. I'll tell your girlfriend what to do. You can't wrestle for three months, which she has already been informed. You need to properly heal. You have a few torn muscles. Sprained ankle. Sprained neck. A few broken ribs. A broken left arm." Dr. Mitchel informs me and I stare at him dumbfounded.

"Thanks for saving me Doc." I say.

"It's my job Seth. You'll be released tomorrow or later tonight, after we put fresh bandages and casts on you." He says before leaving.

Paris and the boys return as soon as the doctor leaves. Paris sits on the chair next to the bed, entwining her hand with my good one, while the boys stand in the corner, embracing one another.

"You g-guys are a-amazing." I say, almost clearly.

"Yay, he's so close to regaining his voice." Paris says.

"Yes, he is." Roman remarks happily, causing me to blush.

Dean's POV

I catch Roman stealing glances at Seth every now and then, which sparks jealousy within me. I smile as Paris starts making jokes, to lighten the mood.

I look up into Roman's eyes, catching him staring at me, concern shining in his eyes. I unwrap myself from him and lean on the wall.

"I'm going to the bathroom, be right back." I say, walking out the door before they could respond.

I dash to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I sit on the toilet, fully clothed.

Dean, stop being Jealous.

You're being ridiculous!

"Deanie?" Roman calls.

I hoist my foot up and sit cross-legged on the toilet. Hopefully, he didn't find me.

"Dean! Are you in here?" Roman shouts.

He begins knocking on different doors, luckily we were the only ones in here. People would've been pissed by his actions.

Suddenly, the knocking stops and I assume Roman leaves. I get off the seat and open the door. I'm greeted by Roman's figure as soon as the door opens. I try to reel it back, but Roman holds it open, with his inhumane strength.

"Roman!" I shout.

"Dean, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing is. I just came to use the toilet. Am I not allowed to do that?" I ask sassily.

"I never said that. I'll just leave you to it." He says, before exiting.

I wanted to call him back, but I let him walk away. I needed to be along right now. I needed to regain my composure. I got jealous because my boyfriend was staring at our hurt friend, our friend who had just been in an accident.

I have every right to be jealous though. Seth, is Roman's ex. Seth told Roman thank you, for something I have no knowledge of. I shouldn't lack faith in Roman though.

We've had our moments in the past, but he'd never hurt me again. He can't cheat on me with someone who's almost paralyzed anyway. I really need to clear my head of all these assumptions I have of Roman and trust him.

"Dean, I know what you're thinking." Someone remarks from the doorway.

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