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Dean's POV

I grab a few items from the drawers and shove them into a duffel bag, before sneaking out of the apartment. It's clear that none of the boys want me there and I need to be alone for a while. I hope they do just fine without me.

I smash my phone onto the parking lot wall and discard of the broken device in a bin. I shove the duffel bag into my car, before driving away.

I choose to drive to Cincinnati and spend some time with my cousins. My relationship was taking too much energy and time, and I need a break.

Roman's POV

I reach behind me for Dean's arms and I feel nothing. I spring up from bed and notice his drawers open. Strange. Okay, maybe, he changed. I try to sleep again, but my mind irks me and I can't. I need to find Dean, in order to be peaceful.

I pull on my bed slippers and walk into the living area. Dean is not there. I search the bathrooms, the kitchen, and he is not there. I lastly check Seth's room to see no Dean, which brings me a short-lived relief.

He probably went for a stroll. I go into the lobby and search for him. I ask the receptionist if she saw him leave and she shakes her head. I return to the apartment and hear Seth groaning.

"Sethie." I call, rushing to his room.

"I need to pee, Rome." He says, and I retrieve his bed pan and he does his business.

"Thanks." He says, and I nod.

I discard the urine and wash the pan thoroughly, before placing it back next to the bed.

"Roman, you look stressed." He says, "you can talk to me."

"I can't find Dean." I say, tears falling down my cheek, "I think he left me."

Seth's POV

I watch as Roman cries, and I wish nothing more than to comfort him, but I can't physically do that in my state.

"Roman, calm down, why do you think he would do that?" I ask.

"We fought a lot yesterday, since he had a wet dream about you." He says, and covers his mouth.

"Fuck." He mutters.

"A wet dream, about, me?" I question confused.

"Yeah, you. That was my reaction when he told me." He says.

"O-okay." I say, thinking about why Dean could've dreamt about me.

"Don't think about my boyfriend that way." Roman says.

"Sorry." I say.

"Have you tried calling him?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

He runs out of the room and returns with his phone. He dials Dean's phone number and it doesn't ring. I stare at him puzzled and he tries ringing again, but the same result occurs.

"Dean must've broken his phone or something." Roman says.

"Why would he do that?" I ask.

"I don't know, Seth. Dean is a lunatic, who knows why he makes certain decisions?" He asks, pacing the room.

"Roman, relax." I say.

"How can I do that? Dean fucking disappeared, without an explanation and without a means of contact." He shouts, "why would he do this?"

"Did you do something to upset him?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"We solved our problem and went to sleep together. Did you do something to him?" He asks, and I shake my head, not that I recall.

"I can't believe that man." He says, sitting on the ground.

"Fuck, I did." I say, and Roman watches me expectantly.

"Well, what the fuck was it?" He asks, impatiently tapping his foot.

"I told him that he only pities me because I'm hurt and that he should leave me alone." I say.

"Seth, why would you say that? We care about you, because you're our best friend, even though we had a minor falling out." He says, and a tear leaves my eyes.

"That must've really hurt Dean. I'm so sorry for thinking and saying that, Roman, and for causing all these problems between y'all." I say, and he shakes his head.

"You didn't cause anything." He says, approaching me slowly, "I love you, Sethie."

"I-I love you too, Rome." I say, turning away.

Fight the urge, Seth, fight it. Fuck it! I use my right hand and pull Roman's face close to mine.

Roman's POV

Seth brings our faces together and leans in. I realize what is happening, and pull away.

"Seth, no, I can't." I say, rushing out of the room.

"You could do it to me all the time, but not to him." He shouts.

I ignore him and go into Dean and I's room. I grab his black, rock band sweater he left for me, and pull it over my head. I lay on the bed, and cry myself to sleep. Maybe when I wake up later, he will be there.

Dean's POV

I get to Ramon's house and knock on the door. He opens and stares at me for a while. I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"H-hi." I say.

"Dean, is that really you?" He asks, pulling me into his arms.

"Deannnnn?" Randall screams, and rushes to the door.

"Oh my, it's genuinely you." Ramon says, still astonished.

"Hey, guys, could we move this inside?" I ask, and they nod.

I enter the house and Randall escorts me to the couch.

"What brings you here, cous?" Ramon asks.

"I'm kind of having problems with my friends, and I needed a break." I say.

"Your boyfriend too?" He asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, he's scared I'll leave him." I say.

"That must suck. I hope you guys can work things out." He says.

"Fuck." I mutter, smacking my forehead.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"You okay, Dean?" Randall asks, sitting on my lap.

"I broke my phone in the parking lot, I was being impulsive and now I'm starting to regret it. Roman must be worried sick." I say.

"How about you sleep and then you can call him later, or tomorrow?" Ramon asks, and I yawn.

"I'm actually pretty tired." I say, and we all laugh.

I follow them to the guest room and jump onto the bed. I lay in the fetal position, and fall asleep thinking about Roman. I'll see you soon, baby.

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