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This chapter is dedicated to: @dbzlover03, thank you for making my day with your comments.

Seth's POV
How dare Paris say that? How can she do that? She left me when I needed her most, because of a dream, I can't believe her audacity.

"Seth, you okay?" Roman asks.

"Yeah, I heard you shout Dean's name, you okay?" I ask.

"He called me. I don't know where he is, but he said he would call me later when he buys a new phone." He says.

"So, he really did break his phone. I hope he's safe wherever he is." I say.

"Yeah, me too." He says, "I'm going to my room, okay? Shout if you need me." He says.

"Okay, Rome, I-I-I love you." I say, shutting my eyes in fear.

"I love you, more." He says, shutting the door behind him. I smile in relief, he doesn't hate me.

Roman's POV

I shut the door to my room, and lay on the bed, closing my eyes. I attempt to sleep, but my mind is jumbled with thoughts. I grab my towel and head into my shower. I turn on the tap, and allow water to soak my body, as I ponder on Dean.

He didn't tell me where he was, but he told me he's okay. I remain under the warm water for a long while, alone with my thoughts. While I'm wiping my body, my phone goes off. I rush to it, and see it's an unknown number.

I dry my hand carefully, and swipe the respond button. "H-hello." I stutter.

"Rome, are you okay baby?" Dean's worried voice sounds in my ear.

"Deanie, I miss you." I say, sitting down on my bed, not caring my body is damp.

"Baby, I miss you more, I love you." He says.

"W-where are you?" I ask nervously.

"At my cousins', I'll be there soon, baby." He coos.

"I can't wait to see you and squeeze you." I say.

"That's all you're gonna do?" He asks sexily.

"D-Deanie," I say giggling, "that's all, I'm mad at you."

"Damn, I'll make it up to you, I promise." He says.

"I love you, I'm going to check on Seth." I say.

"I love you more, baby, and I love Seth too." He says.

"I do too." I say.

"Is this thing still on?" He asks, and a male laughs in the background.

The call ends, and I place my phone on the nightstand, happiness washing over me. I yawn wearily, and lay down on Dean's side of the bed.

Dean's POV

I wake at 6:00 a.m, to drive to the complex. I decide to purchase donuts and coffee, from a local shop on the way for Roman and Seth, as a peace offering.

I arrive at 7:30, and slide into our apartment. I place the food onto the counter, before tip-toeing to Roman and I's bedroom. I take off my shoes, and spoon him, resting my chin on his cheek.

"D-Dean?" He stutters wearily, reaching to touch my face.

"Baby," I reply, caressing his back.

"Dean." He exclaims excitedly, turning to face me.

"Hello, my love." I say, kissing his forehead, placing his hair behind his ear.

"I'm mad at you, but I really wanted you to hold me." He says.

"I'm holding you, baby." I say, wrapping my arms securely around his slim waist, "you're so beautiful."

"Stop." He says, his cheek crimson.

"Fine." I say, unraveling my arms.

He pulls me in roughly, and rests his head on my chest. I stroke his hair, as his eyes struggle to stay open. He opens his mouth to say something, but stops every time.

"Roman, say it." I say, slightly annoyed.

He quivers fearfully, wriggling in my arms. I pull him closer into me, and kiss his cheek repeatedly. I peck his lips softly, and he smiles.

"Dean, it's just a suggestion on my mind, don't hate me for it." He says shyly.

"I won't, prince." I move a strand of hair from over his eyes.

"I believe our dreams are signs, that we both have feelings for Seth, still. Now that he isn't with Paris, we could probably give dating each other a chance." He says, rubbing his palms nervously.

"You mean me and you, dating Seth? A three way." I say.

"Yes, dummy." He giggles.

"I would love that, only if Seth wants that." I say.

"I know he does." He says, smirking.

"Let me speak to him alone, b." I say, and he nods.

I grab his face, and kiss his mouth hard. He wraps his legs around me, connecting our groins. I slide my hand to his plump butt, squeezing it, drawing a giggle from his throat.

"Go!" He says, shoving me off the bed gently.

I open Seth's door noiselessly, to see him wide awake staring at the ceiling. I approach him, and sit at the side of his bed.

"Sethie," I call.

"Dean, thank God you're here." He says.

"How are you? Did you and Roman get along?" I ask.

"Yes, greatly." He blushes.

"Roman and I were thinking about this and I hope this doesn't change anything between us but, do you want to be our boyfriend?" I ask, staring into his eyes.

"You're serious? Like all three of us dating?" He asks.

"What is with you guys and that stupid question?" Roman asks, entering the room.

He sits next to me, and I pull his hand into mine. He holds Seth's hand and nods.

"I would love to be." Seth says.

I peck Roman's lip, and move to do the same to Seth. I linger my kiss to him, since it's been a while since I've kissed him. Roman does the same, and we all smile.

"I brought donuts and coffee."I say, and they both yell in excitement.

I put Seth onto his wheelchair, and drive him to the kitchen. We have a beautiful little moment, but you know for us, moments like that are few.

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