The Aftermath of Pleasure

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Seth's POV

"Fuck!" I groan, as my head pounds from a horrible headache.

"Here Sethie." Paris says and hands me a glass of water and a pill bottle.

I kiss her on the cheek, as a thank you gesture and she blushes furiously. I look at our bodies entwined together on the couch. She is wearing my T-shirt, while I amstill naked but I didn't care. I switch on the TV to watch wrestling. My headache soon reduces to mild throb.

"Sethie?" Paris calls.

" Yes Sweetheart." I answer looking at her.

She blushed then replied, "What are we now?"

'Oh crap! What are we now! I'm fucking gay!'

"Whatever you want babe." I say, before I turn to see Roman by the door; tears streaming down his face.

Roman's POV

Seth's words are like a dagger to my heart. I knew he would hate me for going to Dean, but it was an honest misunderstanding. For Seth to act out this way, it really hurts me. And with some random bitch! He's naked in front of some random bitch, no whore should get to see my Sethie naked except me. I'm so pissed at him and I'm hurt. I could just die right now I sadly thought to myself. The tears were coming harder and more painful each time.

"S-Seth, how could you?" I croak out and he looks shocked and angry at me.

"Excuse you, who the fuck do you think you are? Huh you fucking walked out on me and I'm sure you slept with our best friend, so who the fuck are you to tell me how could I?" Seth bursts out angrily.

The bitch behind him had a shocked look on her face.

"How could you be so cruel to him?" she asks and I looked at angrily at her.

"Stay out of this, whore." I say and Seth looks at me in shock.

Tears start streaming down her face but I don't care.

"Get the fuck out!" he yells and pushes me out the door.

He slams the door in my face and I walked away sadly. I go to my hotel room, looking for Dean. Last night we slept together so maybe he's still in our room.

"Deanie?" I call out and he runs out of the bathroom and into my arms.

He starts kissing all over my neck and down my jawline.

"Oh Deanie I was only gone for 5 minutes." I say chuckling and he blushes in embarrassment.

"It felt like eternity!" He whines and I chuckle once again.

He jumps off me and walks into the bedroom, swaying his hips a little bit, turning me on. I push him on to the bed and climb over him.

"Do you want me? Cause I know I want you, Deanie." I said in a husky voice.

"Oh god, Romie! You got me so hard!" He shouts.

"Make me cum, Romie" he whispers.

His words go straight to my huge member. I roughly strip us both in anticipation of my dick inside him. Instead of bending him over, I pushed him on the bed facing me.

"You know, I've never tasted you, Deanie" I say, to answer his quizzical expression.

"Suck me hard and rough!" He yells and I nod.

I gently lick his tip repeatedly teasing him. He pushes my head down causing me to take his whole length into my mouth. I bob my head up and down making him moan in satisfaction and pleasure. I swirl my tongue around his length and bob my head even faster. I bring my head up to take a breath and then I just take his length into my mouth again surprising him.

"F-f-fuck Romie......mmmmmmm!" he moans, causing my member to throb.

I pull away and turn him over, on to his stomach. I slip two fingers into his tight hole, trying to loosen him for big Rome.

"F-fuck Deanie, so tight!" I moan and he chuckles nervously.

I lay on him gently grinding my hard member against his soft plum ass. I gently push my member into him , I hold on to his waist for support.

"Yes Rome, fuck me" he yells, causing me to smirk. "Oh Romie I know Seth's ass is not as tight like mine..... F-fuck"

I cease all my movements. I am shocked by what he just said. I pull out of him and he gasps in shock.

"What's wrong babe?' He asks and I shake my head.

"How dare you say that about Sethie, he hasn't slept with everyone like you have. " I yell and tears stream down his face.

"You fucking asshole, how dare you say that to me? I thought you Fucking loved me. You know what I've been through! Fuck you! We're done! I'm out of here" He says while getting dressed.

He grabs his bag and runs out the door. I just stood there unable to process what just went down!

Wat the fuck!! What happened to Deanie? Rome really hurt him!
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