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Paris' POV
I can't help the grave anger I feel towards Roman and Dean right now. Two of my favorite wrestlers. Who would've thought that so much goes on behind the camera?

I feel so bad for Seth. He deserves better than them. He's got me now and I'll never do him what his so called "best friends" did to him.

Worry sinks in my heart as I start to think of all the possible things that could've happened. Why didn't he have the hospital call me instead of Roman.

Maybe Seth will never get over Roman and I'll always just be his replacement. Snap out of it Paris. You can't be thinking about that right now. Your boyfriend could be dying in the hospital.

I quickly hop into my Uber which was waiting downstairs and started my painful journey to the hospital. I know for a fact that Seth went drinking. He was supposed to try to talk to Dean and Roman but he probably wasn't feeling like it.

He could've talked to me. I would've told him what to do. I would've accompanied him to the bar if he wanted. We finally reach the hospital after 30 minutes. I pay the driver and walk inside the main corridor of the hospital.

I asked for Colby and the nurse took me to him. My heart drops to my feet as I see the condition Colby is in. Tears flow like a gushing river from my eyes as guilt consumes me. I should've been there with him. I could've stopped this. The nurse gently rubs my back and reassures me that he will be fine.

"He should wake up soon. He will be fine. He just needs to rest for three months. No wrestling for him, alright?" She says to me and I nod.

"Thanks nurse." I reply.

I intertwine our hands and gently squeeze his. Please be okay I keep thinking to myself. When he wakes up and his best friends aren't here he's going to feel worse. I have to do everything to distract him from thinking about them.

Dean's POV

Roman was going down on me and I was a moaning mess. He started fucking me on the front door and my senses were overwhelmed as I quickly climaxed. Roman pulls away and wipes us clean with a wet towel.

He looks down with a sad expression on his face. Was I bad? Did I do something wrong? I lift his chin and he smiles a fake smile at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm just worried about Seth. Something could be seriously wrong. He was once our best friend." He replies.

"Let's shower and go see him Rome. We can't act like we don't still love him." I say and he smiles.

We take quick showers and change into some jeans and  plain t-shirts. We take the elevator downstairs and rush into his car. He opens the passenger door for me and buckles my seatbelt. He places a quick kiss to my forehead before closing the door and going to the driver's side.

We drive as quickly as we can to the hospital and find an empty parking spot. We go to reception and ask for Colby Lopez. They tell us which room he's in and we walk there slowly.

Paris POV
I hear footsteps approaching the room. Maybe somebody's going to another room on this floor. The door to the room opens and reveals Dean and Roman. They look shocked at Seth's state and tears are falling down their cheeks.

I smile a friendly smile at them and they attempt to return one to me through their tears.

"We're really sorry Paris. We got off on the wrong foot." Dean says and I nod.

"I'm sorry too. I was being a bitch to y'all without even trying to get to know you as people." I reply and they nod.

They just stand up next to the door and watch Seth sadly. I could tell they were blaming themselves. I tell them what the doctor tells me and they nod in response. I feel my fingers being moved and looked over at Seth.

I didn't know it's been that long since I've updated. My apologies guys.

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