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Dean's POV

I look at Roman and he stares at me with confusion all over his face too. The knocking continues so we throw on some sweatpants, before bolting to the door.

We open it to see Seth on his wheelchair, tears streaming down his face. I help him inside and guide him to the corner of the living room.

"Thank you for opening up, guys." He says, sniffling.

"Seth, what's wrong?" Roman asks, concern all over his face.

"Yeah, baby, tell us." I say, Roman's expression quickly changing to a jealous one.

"I don't know what got into Paris, but she just walked out." He says.

"What the fuck." Roman and I say in sync.

"I don't know. I wheeled over here, because I didn't want to be alone." He says.

"How long has she been gone?" I ask.

"Since she brought me home." He says.

"Let me go retrieve your medication." Roman says.

Seth hands him the keys and he leaves to the room.

"You'll be okay." I say, kneeling in front of Seth.

"Thank you for caring, Dean." He says, kissing my cheek extremely close to my lips.

"Uh, no problem." I say, moving onto the couch, putting a little distance between us.

"Did I do something?" He asks, eyes filled with tears.

"No, no, no, don't cry baby. You did nothing." I say.

"So why did you move away?" He asks.

"Seth, stop thinking into it." I say.

"Okay." He says.

"Did you sleep a wink?" I ask, changing the topic.

"No, not at all." He replies.

"Let's get you into the extra bedroom then." I say.

I push his wheelchair into the room and gently lift him onto the bed.

"Did that hurt?" I ask.

"No, continue." He says.

I place him onto the center of the bed on his back gently, fluffing the pillow under his head.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask.

"Yes." He says, pulling my face close to his with his good arm.

"Uh, Sethie." I say nervously.

"Thank you." He says.

"What the?" I hear behind us.

I turn around to see Roman, clutching the bag of Seth'a medication.

"Roman, it isn't what you think." I say.

"Of course it isn't." He says scoffing.

He tosses me the bag, before storming into our bedroom. I notice Seth trying to get off the bed and I stop him by placing my hands in front his torso.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask.

"I caused problems between you and Roman, that's all I do, cause problems." He says.

"Seth, what I need you to do is try to sleep. I'll deal with Roman." I say.

I kiss his forehead and cover him with a blanket before shutting the door. I knock on Roman and I's bedroom door softly.

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