Make up or Break Up

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Warning.......Warning sex scene up ahead! Read with discretion..... Don't like, don't read!!

Seth's POV

"Rome I'm bored." I say, glancing in the eyes of my lover.

"Well, how can I help?" He asks and I sigh.

I looked around the room for a clue.

"How about we watch a movie?" I ask and he sighs.

"Fine, anything to relieve boredom." He says and I smile.

I put on the movie and Roman wraps his arms around me.

"What are we watching?" He asks and I look at him with a 'seriously' expression.

"Fast and Furious 7" I said and he chuckled.

"I knew that silly, I just tricked you." he says and my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Oh baby boy, don't be embarrassed it was only a joke." he said and I nodded.

"I-I'm going to make popcorn be right back." I say, pausing the movie and running out the room. I just looked at Roman and he reminded me of Dean, I had to get out of there before I could think more of Dean.

Ugggh this is how guilty it feels when you cheat on your boyfriend. I make the popcorn, well the microwave does, then I  go back into the room.

When I enter the room Roman was standing off the bed, then he began smiling.

"Sethie,I was just coming to check on you." he says and I let out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm here now, you can lay back in bed" I say and he nods.

"Okay baby." he says, then lays down on the bed.

Roman's POV

Seth plays the movie and is focused on the screen the entire time.

"Seth, I'm bored, babe" I say and he looks at me funny.

"Watch the movie, Rome" he says and turns his head back to watch the screen.

I got tired of watching Seth stare at the tv so I grabbed the remote and paused the tv.

"What is it Roman?" He aske a little upset.

"Sethie I'm really bored and I want you bad." I growl, kneeling in front him.

He blushes lightly. I chuckle pushing him down on the bed. I lean over and purr in his ear. He shudders under me, which made my bulge grow.

"D-Dean." He moans and I looked at him sadly.

"Roman, I-I'm sorry." he says and I feel tears roll down my cheeks.

"I can't believe I confessed to you that we kissed but you didn't tell me you did stuff too." I say, while wiping away my tears.

I get off the bed and look back at him, I'm so sad right now. I put on a black T-shirt and grab my suitcase.

"Roman, please don't leave." He says and I sigh.

"Bye Seth." I say.

"I love you Dean....I mean Roman." he says and I walked out of the room crying even more.

"Rome, I'm sorry." He says, coming out of the bedroom.

"Don't fucking speak to me. Call Dean instead" I say and walk out of the suite.

I walk down the lobby, looking down at the ground the whole time. I then bump into someone, but was so ashamed I didn't look up.

"Roman, is that you?" A voice asked.

That voice so familiar. I look up to see it was Dean.

"oh, hey D" I say and He smiles.

He then sees me carrying my suitcase and he frowns.

"Where you going?" He asks and I look around.

"Out of here" I say and walk away.

"Rome come back, Did you and Sethie get in a fight?" He asks and I nod.

I walk into the elevator and Dean follows behind. When the elevator stops, I get off and walk towards the reception desk. The receptionist blushes, when she looks at me.

"Sir, you're hot!"she says and I sigh.

"Yeah, anyways I would like to check into a new room." I say and she nods.

She gives me the key card and I smile at her and walk off. I enter the elevator and Dean follows again.

"You're still here D?" I ask and he nods.

"I ain't going nowhere bro" he says and I smile.

He returns a warm smile too. The door closes and the elevator started moving. He pushes me against the elevator wall and presses his lips against mine. I kiss back and he smirks. I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around my neck, to deepen the kiss.

The elevator stops and as we were about to pull away, there is a gasp behind us. We pull away and notice it was Seth, a small smirk forms across my face. When I see him run away crying, I frown feeling guilty.

I walk to my new hotel room and go inside of it. Dean follows behind, like for the third time today.

"Rome are you okay? I'm sorry about kissing you" he says and I sigh.

I push him down on the couch and catch his lips in a blissful yet passionate kiss.

"Don't be" I say and he nods.

I kiss him again and he kisses back. I pull away and remove his shirt slowly. He thinks I am wasting too much time, so he swatted away my hand. He pulls out his shirt and pulls me down for another kiss. Clothes begin flying, until nothing was left on our bodies. I kiss down his jaw line and down to his perfect abs.

"Mhmm" he moans.

He tugs at my hair and I look up at his face and he looks pleased. I kiss his lips, while I sneaked a finger into his ass. He cries out in pain at the feeling. I wait for him to adjust, when he does, I started thrusting my finger in and out of him.

"Fuck D, you're so damn tight." I moan and he giggles.

When I see his pain turn to pleasure, another finger joins the first one. I am stretching him out for my huge member. I pull my fingers out of him and pull a bottle of lube out of my bag. I lube up my member and search for Dean's reaction. He smiles and chuckles nervously.

I push the tip into him and wait for him to adjust. When he does I push my member further in and start gyrating in and out of him. I pick up the pace, pushing Dean into a fit of moans.

"Yes, Rome, fuck me!" He moans, causing me to moan.

He begins stroking his member in time with my thrusts.

"I'm close baby" I moan.

"M-me..." He doesn't have finish, because he reaches his climax.

I continue thrusting until I cum deep inside of him.

"Mmm I love you Dean." I say.

"I love you too, Rome." he replies, then falls asleep.

We just stay on the couch, in that position.

Damnnn!! Plot Twist.....

Looks like the birth of Ambreigns!!

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