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Roman's POV

Seth fell asleep quickly, but Dean and I didn't. We've left the camp up for three days, and we just finished watching 'Moana'. I sneak into Dean's sleeping bag, and his arms immediately clutch me.

"Hey, baby, you're not tired?" He asks, bags prominent under his eyes.

"You should sleep, babe." I say, kissing his eyelids.

"Not before you do." He replies, yawning lowly.

"Dean, I'm grown, you don't have to worry about me." I reply, running my hand through his dirt blonde hair.

"I want to cut it." He says, gripping my hand, tangled in his locks.

"Absolutely not." I say, and he huffs.

I kiss his lips gently, and stare into his eyes. He struggles to keep them open, and I rub his back gently to aid the process. He falls asleep after a while, and I'm grateful he does.

I return to my own sleeping bag after cuddling with Dean for thirty minutes. I stare at the walls of the tent and my mind ponders to Dean's statement three days ago.

"I think we should get a house." He said.

"Are we ready for that commitment?" I had asked, uncertainty and fear rising through me.

There was a pause before he had answered, "Maybe not." , with a disappointed look covering his face.

Now that I've had time to think about it, I think it's a good idea. I cannot allow fear to control me. When I wake tomorrow, I'm telling Dean my thoughts and hopefully he didn't give up on the idea entirely.

I yawn loudly, and welcome sleep. I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon being cooked. I stretch my body, and rub my eyes adjusting to the sunlight. I notice Seth is still asleep next to me, lazy fuck.

I go into the kitchen, to see shirtless Dean preparing the meal. His eyes meet mine, and he smiles sweetly. I walk over to him, and wrap my arms around his waist. I turn him around, and press his body against the sink.

I kiss his lips gently, before pulling away, his bottom lip still between my teeth. I squeeze his butt, before letting him return to his meal.

"Morning, handsome." I greet him.

"Morning, babe." He replies.

I hop into the shower, and dress into basketball shorts and a t-shirt, afterwards. I return to the living room, to an awakened Seth being carried to the table by Dean. I walk over to them, while Dean kisses Seth softly.

"I'm jealous." I exclaim, and their attention directs towards me.

Dean kisses me for the second time this morning, and I kiss Seth hungrily, tempted to fuck him on the breakfast table.

"Satisfied?" Dean asks, and I nod.

"How is your arm today, baby?" I ask Seth, while shoving eggs into my mouth.

"Roman Reigns, take your time." Dean scolds.

"It's fine, babe, I can almost use it without pain." Seth says.

My phone rings interrupting the breakfast. I answer the call, not pressed to check the ID.

"Hello." I say.

"Hi, Roman, tell Sethie, thanks for the money and I was never pregnant." Paris' annoying voice says, before the call ends.

"What the fuck?" I question, checking the phone screen to see the call gone.

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