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Seth's POV

I went to the bar to have a few drinks to get my mind off Roman. I told Paris I was going to try to talk to them buy I didn't. When I got to the bar I drank over my limit and ended up being thrown out for starting numerous altercations. I thought I could drive while I was drunk but I ended up crashing into a big truck and the car flipped over.  Luckily I didn't die but my car was damaged.

When I got to the hospital they asked me who they should call? I couldn't answer because of the critical pain in my head. They told me Roman Reigns was listed as my boyfriend and if they should call him. I only nodded since I couldn't speak in that moment. They removed the shards of glass that entered my body and did surgery on my neck. They told me I was lucky to not be paralyzed and that I need to rest for at least 3 months or I could permanently damage myself. I also had a minor concussion that would cause me to get major migraines in the future.

My phone got damaged in the accident so I couldn't call Paris. I hope she would get to me somehow. I shouldn't have tried to drink away my problems but I did anyway now see where I ended up.

"Mr. Lopez, Mr. Reigns said he is busy today and cannot visit." The doctor said and I mouthed him a thank you.

I was not surprised he could not come but it still hurt. I feel like I've lost my best friend. No, I know I lost my best friends and the only family I had. Thinking about that made me just want to go beg them for forgiveness.

"It's time for your shot Colby." The nurse says before injecting me.

I immediately start to feel drowsy and allow sleep's arms to take me in.

Dean's POV

Roman releases a loud groan of frustration and puts on his clothes. I follow suit and put on mine. There are more knocks on the door and we yell at the person to hold on. When we're done dressing Rome goes to open the door. I hear a female voice shouting and I decide to go see what was happening.

Roman's POV

While Dean was straightening up himself I go to open the door.  I'm greeted by an angry Paris. What the hell is she doing at my door?

"Yes Paris?" I ask her as kindly as I can.

"Where is my man Roman?" She asks angrily and I laugh, actually laugh.

"Why would I know where he is?" I reply.

"He said he was going to try to fix his mess and never came back home." She says.

"He never came here. I can't help you." I say about to close the door.

"You fucking bastard. If anything happened to my boyfriend it's your fault! You're the one who made him into a moping mess. I hate you." She screams.

Halfway through the rant Dean joins me. She stands outside the door raging like a bull that saw red and I almost wanted to laugh again.

"He's at the hospital Paris. I have no idea what happened to him but I got a call saying he was there." I say in the most soothing voice I could muster.

"What did you bastards do to my boyfriend?" She asks and I feel Dean growing more tense beside me.

"Go meet your fucking boyfriend at the hospital and leave us alone slut! We did nothing to your man." Dean says angrily.

I lace my fingers with his and gently rub his hand to calm him down.

"Fuck the both of you!" She says before leaving.

When I close the door in one swift movement I push Dean against the wall and lock my lips with his.

"Shall we continue where we left off?" I ask him seductively.

"You're gonna take me in front the door?" Dean asks chuckling.

"I'd take you anywhere as long as you'd let me baby." I reply.

He then presses his lips to mine and we engage in a passionate kiss. I kiss down his neck and find his sweet spot. Maybe lunch was postponed since I had all the meal I needed in front me.

A/n Paris is dangerously mad and believes Roman and Dean harmed Seth.

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