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Seth's POV

"Hi, Seth, ready to take off these casts?" Dr. Mitchel questions, and I nod.

He begins cutting off the casts on my ankle, and arm, before removing the one around my neck. I breathe in relief, as the plaster leaves my body. He lifts my ankle, and arm inspecting them.

"Do you have any pain?" He asks, and I shake my head.

He removes the bandage around my ribs, and I exhale sharply. I felt a bit more free already.

"We have to perform scans, and then you'll be done." He says.

They bring me into the screening room, and perform a whole body scan. I'm wheeled back into the hospital room, where I await results. Dean and Roman are allowed inside, and they immediately overwhelm me with kisses.

"How was it, baby?" Roman asks.

"It felt uplifting." I reply.

"That's great, love." Dean says, kissing my forehead.

"Hi, Seth, Dean, and Roman." Dr. Mitchel says.

"Hello," I say, clutching Roman's hand.

"Seth, I've prescribed a few pills for pain and you'll need therapy for your arm." He says, and I nod.

"Okay." Roman says.

"You'll need to return in two more weeks, after your therapy for one last check up." Doc continues.

"Thank you." I say, and he hands me my x-rays.

Roman's POV

"Do you want me to carry you?" I ask Seth, and he shakes his head.

"I want to attempt walking." He says.

He holds onto our shoulders, and unsteadily walks to the front door, before giving up. I hoist him off the ground, and carry him to the car. I place him into the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt. Dean pecks me, before getting into the backseat. I get into my seat, and start driving us home.

"Now that I'm able to move more, let's go camping." Seth says.

"Sethie, you're out of your mind!" I say, chuckling.

I glance at him, and his expression is serious.

"You're not joking?" I question, and he shakes his head.

"I would love to do that, baby." Dean says.

"Kiss up." I mutter under my breath.

"Pay attention to the road, baby." Dean says sarcastically.

"We're home." Seth shouts, as I park the car.

We get into the room, after much hassle. I place Seth down on the couch, and shake my tired arms.

"My arms are dead." I whine, sitting on Dean's lap.

"I'm not heavy!" Seth replies.

"Baby, is he heavy?" I ask Dean, while I turn to face him.

"Kinda, he hasn't worked out in a while." Dean whispers, wrapping my legs around him properly.

"Fuck y'all!" Seth shouts.

"Damn, baby, you don't need to tell the entire complex that you want to do that." I say, a blush rising to Seth's cheek.

"Roman!" He groans.

"You want the same thing." Dean says seductively, and I hit him in his chest.

"Shut up, Deanie." I say.

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