Fresh Starts

175 3 0

2 months later

Seth's POV

"Welcome back to work boys!" Vince greets us, embracing us.

"It's good to be back." I exclaim, walking into the WWE Headquarters.

"There's not much you've missed. Hopefully, you've been doing your research and keeping up with the shows." Vince says, and we nod, giggling nervously.

We've watched like ten shows — that's probably even too much, since we've been off. We've camped, probably had sex— okay, we've had lots, watched movies, worked out— a whole lot more for me recently, and we've settled on a house.

"Come into the office." Vince says, allowing us to walk inside, before shutting the door.
"What's new with you, boys?"

"Seth's pregnant!" Dean says, and I his chest violently.

"I am not." I huff and fold my arms across my chest.

"Ouch, you see what I mean." Dean says, coughing slightly.

Roman pats his back, before kissing his cheek.

"We've just bought our own house." Roman says.

"That's great, congratulations." Mr. McMahon says.

"Okay, you called us here for a reason." Dean says.

"Yes, creative has come up with an affair story line involving all of you." He says.

"You want to portray our relationship as an affair?" I ask, and he nods.

"Roman and Dean will be married, and Seth will be trying to take— Roman." Vince explains.

"Seems like something that has happened already." I say giggling.

Dean glares at me, and I peck his lips.

"Is that fine?" Vince asks.

"Yes, it's cool. We will make it happen." Roman replies.

We shake Vince's hand, before exiting the headquarters. I get into the driver's seat, while Roman and Dean right for shotgun. The door opens and Dean sits in the passenger seat, while a grumpy Roman sits in the back.

"I hate you." Roman mutters, and Dean chuckles victoriously.

"What did you do?" I ask Dean, knowing he didn't win fairly.

"It's not important." He says, winking at me.

I scoff loudly, before driving to the hotel in Florida, where our stuff is. We grab all of our clothes from the room, and any miscellaneous which belonged to us, and placed it into the car. I wave the hotel goodbye, as I climbed into the backseat with Roman.

"That's not fair." Dean whines, pulling out of the parking lot.

"What isn't babe?" I ask, a good idea of his response formulating in my brain.

"The two of you cuddling in the backseat, while I drive for hours to our house!" He moans, and Roman giggles evilly.

"I'm sorry, baby, and it isn't hours." I assure him, and I see his smile in the mirror.

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