Strengthening Us

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Roman's POV

Dean snuggles closer to me and I instinctively wrap my arms around him. His eyes open and he tries to turn in my arms but I hold him closer.

"Rome I want to see your eyes." He says chuckling.

"Fine!" I grunt and loosen my grip on him.

He turns to face me and stares into my eyes. I move closer to peck his lips. As I inch closer I can see the blush on his face. When I'm close enough Dean turns his head and I kiss his cheek. I groan in frustration and Dean laughs hysterically.

"Not funny D." I say releasing him from my arms and sitting up on the edge of the bed.

I turn back to look at Dean who is turning red from laughing. That wasn't funny for me. I start to get off the bed but Dean wraps his arms around me from behind.

"I'm sorry Rome. Your reaction was just priceless!" He says.

I don't respond just fold my arms. Dean climbs off the bed and sits on my lap. He holds my face with his hands and places a passionate kiss to them. I refuse to give in. He continues pecking me until I kissed back. We are in the middle of a passionate make out session when my phone rings.

I pull away and check the caller ID. I let out an annoyed groan and ask Dean to climb off so I could take the call. I walk out to the balcony and accept the call.

"Hello?" I greet.

"Good morning is this Mr. Reigns?" The caller replies.

"Yes it is." I say impatient.

"You were listed as the boyfriend of Colby Lopez. He is currently at our hospital and screaming that we get you for him." The man who I assume could only be a doctor says.

"I am not his boyfriend anymore. I'm busy today so he will need to get someone else to come babysit him" I reply.

"Alright Mr. Reigns thank you." The man says before ending the call.

Dean's POV

I reluctantly climb off Roman to allow him to answer his call. While he was on the phone I decide to go prepare some breakfast. I pull on a pair of basketball shorts then exit the room.

I decide to make some waffles for Rome and I. I put on the radio and sang along to "Cake by the Ocean-DNCE" whilst mixing the batter. I placed the batter into the waffle oven and waited for it to finish while still jamming to the radio.

Roman comes out of the room with a frustrated look on his face.  I go over to him and pull him into my arms. He rests his head on my shoulder while I run my hands through his mane. I wonder what that call was about?

"What's up baby?" I ask him soothingly.

"Hospital called telling me that I'm listed as Seth's boyfriend." he starts and I shudder in disgust when he says Seth's boyfriend.

"They told me he was shouting for me to come there and see him. I didn't even ask the doctor what happened just told him I wasn't Seth's boyfriend and I was busy." He continues and I nod my head in response.

"I hope Seth's okay babe. He is still our best friend." I reply and he nods.

"You told him you were busy. Busy doing what Mr. Reigns?" I say lightening up the mood.

"You." Rome says winking up at me and pulling away from my embrace.

The waffles were done just as Rome let go and I removed them from the oven. I placed them on separate plates for Rome and I then poured a glass of orange juice for each of us. We sat down at the island and began eating our food.

"So really what are you going to be busy with?" I ask again and Roman laughs.

"I'm taking you out for lunch today." He says and a bright smile spreads across my face.

"OMG we're going on a date?" I say and he nods.

That's going to be fun. We both finish our breakfast and while Rome washes the dishes I search for something to watch on the TV.

"Rome, what do you want to watch?" I shout to him since he's in the kitchen.

"You squirm under me." He replies and I couldn't help my blush.

"Roman!" I call back out trying to hide my excitement.

He joins me on the sofa and I lay my head in his lap. I hand Roman the remote to find something because I couldn't do it. I stare up at him lost in the TV and I wondered how was I so lucky to have this man? I pull Roman's face down to mine and the shock on his features was the most adorable thing ever.

"Maybe you should really watch what you wanted to." I say and Roman smirks.

I climb on his lap once again and we start off with gentle passionate kissing which quickly turns into hungry kisses. We both remove each other's clothes I stare up at the Godly man towering over me and realized I was one lucky man. Roman was about to fill me when there was a knock at the door.

A/n I am back!
I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting. I really hope you enjoy this update!

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