Wedding Bells (Finale)

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Seven months later...

Seth's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror and groan loudly. I stare at my protruding belly angrily, before rubbing it and smiling weakly. I waddle towards the steps, holding the railing for support as I move downstairs. I notice Roman in the kitchen cooking, and I go over to him. He notices me, and immediately approaches me.

"Hello, beautiful, how was your nap?" He asks, and I glance at him annoyed, through my thick eyelashes.

"Hi, I'm home!" Dean shouts, walking through the front door.

I saunter over to him, chuckles escaping his lips, as he observes me. He places the suits down on the chair, to protect them, knowing what was coming.

"I hate you!" I shout, and Dean's appears amused.

"What did I do to deserve such?" He fake pouts, pulling me into his arms.

I hit his chest repeatedly, and he sniggers at my actions. I scowl at him, before an idea pops into my head. I lean in to kiss him, but then I bite his lip hard.

"Seth!" He shouts, and I smirk at him. "What the fuck?"

"You put a fucking human in me!" I yell, sticking my tongue out.

"What's going on?" Roman asks, rushing over to us.

"Nothing." I say innocently, while Dean let's me go.

"Baby, your lip is bleeding." Roman says, dragging Dean into the downstairs bathroom.

I smirk in pride, and lay onto the couch. He got what he deserved, for impregnating me!

Dean's POV

"What happened?" Roman asks, dabbing my lip clean.

"Your crazy, pregnant, boyfriend bit me!" I say.

Roman embraces me, and goes in f0r the kiss, but pulls away when he remembers my state. I pout my lip in disappointment.

"Gimme kiss! Come on." I beg, and Roman giggles.

"You're cute when you're needy." He says.

He kisses my lips gently, trying not to hurt me. I push through the pain, and kiss him roughly, pressing him against the wall.

"Deanie, behave!" He giggles.

"You fucking assholes!" Seth yells, and we both dash to his side. He smirks knowing the power he holds over us.

"Can I get a foot rub?" He asks innocently.

I fold my arms, and turn away. He begins fake sniffling, and spewing hateful words. Pregnant people are crazy moody. I get onto my knees, and begin rubbing his feet gently. He sighs in content, and I roll my eyes at the spoilt brat.

Roman's POV

I plate the boys' food and call them over. Dean assists Seth to his seat, before pulling my chair out for me. I peck his lips gratefully, and he sits at the head of the table.

"I can't believe we have to be separated tomorrow." I say.

"We're going to see each other the day after." Dean says.

"I'm glad to be away from you two." Seth says, rolling his eyes, which is really hurtful.

"Babe, I know you're pregnant, but that doesn't give you the right to be absolutely disrespectful." I say, huffing in annoyance.

"I'm sorry." He says, while I leave the table.

I collect the suits from the chair, and carry them upstairs. I place them into the closet, and our bags next to the dresser. I hear heavy footsteps strolling down the hall, meaning Seth is approaching the room.

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