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Dean's POV

I wake up next to Roman. I cuddle closer to him and he groans getting up.

"Morning " I say.

"Morning Deanie" he says.

"I love you Roman, I really do" I say and he sighs and gets off the bed.

I sigh loudly and go to Randy and I's bedroom. I lay down next to Randy and he stretches his hand over me and I cuddle closer to him. He opens his eyes and kisses the top of my head.

"Morning love. Did you sleep with Rome last night" he asks and I nod.

"How about you "sleep" with me" he says and winked.

I blush, his words shoot straight down to my dick. I climb onto his laps and kiss his lips gently, he kissed me back gently and I feel no sparks. I moan into the kiss, as Randy squeezes my ass.

"Let's get up, we have to go see Seth." He says and I nod.

I get off the bed and go find Roman. He is already dressed.

"Looks like you're dressed already big man." I say and he nods.

I chuckled walking back to Randy. I hug him and he hugs me back, kissing the top of my head. I let go and go into the bathroom and take a nice long shower. I dry myself off and put on a clean pair of boxers. I put on a pair of blue jeans and a black wife beater.

"Ready babe" Randy says and I nod.

We walk out of the room and Randy knocks on Roman's room door.

"Coming" he yells, opening the door and walking outside.

"Well, let's go guys" Roman says and we nod.

Oh damn, we're in such a big rush that we skip breakfast but who cares. We get into the car and drive to the hospital where Seth is at.

We pull into the driveway and got out of the car.

Roman's POV

I feel so guilty after what I did with Dean yesterday. Do I tell Seth? I think I should just keep it to myself. I walk ahead of Dean and Randy to Seth's room. I open the door and sit next to his bed.

I kiss his head gently.

"I love you Sethie" I say and he opens his eyes slowly.

He gives me a weak smile. I gave him a warm smile back to let him know I'm here to stay with him. I see Dean and Randy walk into the room and that rush of guilt took over me again, and my stomach churned making me want to throw up.

I run out of the room and into the bathroom. After I throw up and I just sat on the toilet seat and think of what to do.

Seth's POV

When Randy and Dean came into the room, Roman ran out to the bathroom.

What the hell is going on? It's only been a day since I was in the hospital what went on at home.

My head starts throbbing as I try to look out the window. I close my eyes tightly trying to make the pain go away.

"Hey Sethie, you alright?" Dean asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, Deanie" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

When I say that, I hear someone walk into the room.

"Okay Mr. Lopez has a minor concussion. He can go home today but has to rest for a week." The doctor says.

"Okay, Thanks Doc" Dean says.

I open my eyes slowly and Roman walks in. I don't see Randy there, maybe he left to get something. Dean went over to hug Roman but he pushes him away.

Something happened, Dean and Roman were always closer. Roman walks over and kissed my head. I turned to face him and gently caress his cheek. I kissed him gently on the lips and he kisses back.

"Ready to leave babe?" He asks and I nod.

I seriously love Roman and I hope he tells me what happened. He helps me off the bed and I smile, nodding a small thank you to him. At the desk I sign the discharge papers and walk to the car with Roman and Dean.

"Where's Randy?" I asked and Dean shrugged his shoulders.

"He said he was gonna check his cousin." Dean said and I looked at him confused.

"Cousin, Here in Cleveland?" I say and he nods.

"O-okay" I say and he sighs.

"What's wrong Rollins, just cough it up" Dean says and I sigh.

"Its nothing. Let's just go" I say and Roman nods.

Dean sits in the backseat with me, while Roman drove. Dean rubs my thigh and I blush. I rest my head on his shoulders and he kisses the top of my head.

"I really have feelings for you Sethie" he whispers into my ears and my eyes blow open in shock.

Once again Dean drops the love bomb on my head. Too bad I'm with Roman now.

"We're here" Roman says and I sigh in relief.

I hear Dean sigh sadly and I can't help but to feel bad for him.

Roman's POV

Really Ambrose!! Really!! I sigh as I help Seth out of the car. I heard Dean's little confession. Dean really makes me so mad I just want to hit him. I intertwine Seth's fingers with mine and we walked into our hotel Room.

Dean immediately leaves and goes to his and Randal's hotel room. I sit down on the couch, while Seth goes into the room to lay down on the bed.

I get off the couch and join Seth in bed. I move closer to him and cuddle him from the back.
He turns so we are facing each other. I kiss Seth and he kisses back.

"I love you Sethie." I say and he nods.

"I love you too Romie" he says and I smile.

"W-what happened Roman?" He asks and I look away.

"R-roman" he says and I look at him.

"Nothing Sethie" I say and he looks away from me.

"Liar. Why won't you tell me what happened. Because you did something you knew you were not supposed to" he says getting off the bed and running out the hotel room.

"Seth, Seth, Sethie please come back" I yell, but he keeps on running.

Seth Rollins, please come back. What the hell have I done?

// Chapter 2 accomplished//
//Proud of myself. I'm enjoying writing this book//
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