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Dean's POV

"How do you know?" I say, turning around to see Paris. "And what the hell are you doing in the male bathroom."

"What I'm doing here is unimportant. What are you doing here? Go in there and meet your man." She says.

"What do you think, I'm thinking?" I ask.

"You're thinking that Seth still has feelings for Roman." She says.

"Not really that." I reply.

"Anyway, he probably does. He still likes both of you. But he's moving on. He's happy for you and Roman. When both of you left, he thought he did something wrong again. Go reassure your best friend that everything is fine, Dean." Paris says.

"I'm so sorry that I messed everything up." I reply sadly.

"Hey, you didn't mess anything up." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck and mine around her waist.

"Thank you for talking to me." I say, kissing her cheek.

I release her and walk out of the bathroom to Seth's room. I see Roman sitting in the waiting room, so I detour my attention to him.

Roman's POV

I rush after Dean to the bathroom. He was acting really weird. He abruptly stopped hugging me and ran off.

I enter the bathroom and notice the stalls were empty. There were no feet, poking out from beneath any of them. Dean was probably sitting butterfly-legged.

"Deanie." I shout, receiving no response.

I hear shuffling behind one door and decide to stand in front the stall next to it, without moving. The door unlocks and I move to stand in front of it. Dean emerges and bumps into my body.

I try to find out what was wrong but he refuses to answer. I decide that I wasn't in the mood for back and fourth so I left.

Dean didn't return to the room, so I went back to look for him. I stand at the door and see him and Paris sharing an intimate hug. My stomach walls churn and my heart skips a beat, as I stare at them momentarily.

I walk away from the scene and sit in the waiting room. Almost instantly, Dean emerges from the bathroom. He looks over at me and starts heading in my direction. I keep my head down and pretend to not see him.

*Dean's POV*

"Hey Rome." I say.

He doesn't look up or respond, and I stare at him confused. I tap his shoulder and he doesn't flinch or react.

"Roman?" I say.

I sit on his lap and reach for his hand and he finally reacts, by pulling his hand away.

"Hey." I say, sweetly.

"Get off me Dean." He says bitterly.

"I-I'm sorry. Did I do something?" I ask confused, raising myself off his lap.

I had not the slightest clue, as to why Roman was acting like that. I could only tell, that he was hurting my feelings. I rock from one foot to another, awaiting his response.

"Do you like her?" Roman asks, his eyebrows spiking in anger.

"H-her? Who?" I ask confused.

"Don't play dumb Dean. You were all up on her." He says, clenching his fist.

I think back to what I did before I come over to him, I was talking to Paris. I stare at him flabbergasted; did he really think I was cheating with Paris?

"R-Roman, I don't like a-anybody but you." I stutter, feeling scared that he'll react negatively.

I take a step back from him and glance as he moves. He stands from his chair and makes his way over to me. I dash past him and make a b-line out of the door.

Roman was scaring me and I didn't want to stay alone with him. I remember what Paris said to me in the bathroom about Seth, so I go into his room.

I look around and see that Paris is sitting with him. She looks at me and nods in approval.

"I'll leave you two alone." She says.

She walks over to me and concern laces her eyes.

"Dean, are you okay?" She whispers, reaching for my hand, which I keep tightly to my side.

"Y-yes, I'm f-f-fine." I say, my voice cracking, like I am on the edge of spilling tears.

She nods her head in understanding. She realized that whatever happened was a touchy subject, and I didn't want to speak about it right now. She goes outside, leaving Seth and I alone.

"Hey Sethie." I say, sitting on the chair next to his bed.

"Is everything okay, Dean?" Seth asks, which frustrates me.

"Everything is fine." I yell defensively.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to yell at you." I calmly say, before he has time to speak.

"It's fine. Do you and Rome hate me? Did I mess up?" Seth asks, under his breath.

"Seth, you didn't do anything. The problem is between Roman and I. We love you very much and we'd do anything for you. We messed up. We were the ones who weren't there for you, when you needed us. We're partly the reason why you're in this junk. I'm so sorry. You're our best friend, Sethie, forever." I say.

I hear him sniffling and I carefully embrace him. He cries harder into my shoulder and I try to gently rub his back. I look into his eyes and we not lean in. We hear the knob turning and we quickly pull away. I couldn't help the blush, that crept up my cheeks.

I release him and sit down on the chair again. Paris enters and peeks between us.

"Did y'all work it out?" She asks.

"Yeah, we did." Seth replies.

"Go work it out with Rome now. He won't speak to me." She says and I nod.

"We will be back Sethie, don't get too worried." I say, causing him to laugh.

"Ow, hurts to laugh." He says.

I kiss his cheek, before exiting the room. I look for Roman in the waiting room and he isn't there. I start walking around the hospital looking for him.

"Where could he have gone?" I whisper to myself.

I hear crying, which resembles Roman's, coming from behind the door of an empty room. I push the door open and search for the source.

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