He Did What??

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Seth's POV

I wake up cuddled up next to Roman and smile weakly. This guy!! What would I do without him?? Nothing is the answer.

"Sethie." he greets, kissing my head.

  "Morning Rome."  I say pecking his lips.

Dean walks into the room and I smile.

"Deanie!"  I say and he smiles.

"Morning Sethie." he comes over and I sit up, opening my arms to hug him.

"Morning Ambrose." Roman says and Dean chuckles.

"Morning Reigns." Dean says and I chuckle.

"You two ahhhh. Get along guys" I said and they both looked at me funny.

"We get along just fine" Roman says and Dean nods.

"Yeah, yeah" I say and they both chuckle.

"Well I'm going back into my room. Call when y'all need something" Dean says and walks out of the room.

"Rome I love you." I say looking into his eyes.

"I love you too" he says.

I smiled cuddling closer to him. Nothing can ruin this moment.

Roman's POV

I wrap my arms around Seth and watch him start to fall back asleep.

"Seth what happened, when you went away?" I ask, looking down at him, as he starts crying.

"Ro I can't tell you, he'll kill me." he says looking away.

"Who's he, Sethie? please you have to tell me." I say and he shakes his head.

"Nothing happened, Rome" he says and I sigh.

"Why the scars, Seth?" I ask and he shakes his head again.

"I fell off a staircase." he says.

"Yeah, whatever" I say and he sighs.

"Rome, I didn't fall but he told me don't tell you or he's gonna kill me Rome. I don't wanna die." he gabs and I sigh in defeat.

"Sethie, I love you and I won't make anything bad happen to you" I say and he smiles weakly.

We get off the bed and take a shower together. Then we lay down in bed for the day.

"Rome, I'm going out to get lunch" he says and I nod.

"Babe, wanna come?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I wanna stay in bed all day" I says and he sighed sadly, then leaves.

I lay my head on the pillow and try to fall asleep.

Dean's POV

I am laying down on my bed when I get a message on my phone, it's from Dolph.

Text Conversation

Hey- Dolph
Duuuude- Dolph
Dolph this is texting so glad I can't hair you say that-Dean
Whatever. Dude you gotta check this out Www. STSRMania.com- Dolph
Bye Dude-Dolph
Bye Dolph-Dean


I search the link Dolph gave me and I am shocked by what I see. I get off my bed and run to Roman's bedroom, to see him asleep. I shake him lightly, receiving a small groan.

"Rome get up, you gotta see this" I say and he sighs.

He opens his eyes and I show him the video on that website.

"W-who sent this to you?" Roman asks, as tears streams down his face.

"Dolph. Rome don't be upset." I say and peck him in the lips.

He doesn't kiss back nor push me away, he just sits there. I kiss away his tears and sigh.

"Rome, just try talking to him" I say and he nods before lying back down in bed and staring at  the ceiling.

I sigh loudly before walking back into my room. I just lay on the bed, thinking of how this could result in Roman being all mine. The more that I think about it, the more that I think Seth's sluttiness will ruin he and Roman's relationship. Then I'll have Rome all to myself.

Roman's POV

Dean just showed me the most shocking thing ever. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I only watched the beginning and broke down. How could Seth do this to me? Speaking of the Devil he just walked into the room.

"Rome, I am back" he says and I get off the bed.

I walked over to him and wrapped my fingers around his neck. I push him on the wall and he whimpers.

"What the hell are you doing, Roman?" He asks ,breathing heavily.

I throw him on the bed and climb over him. I bend down and nibbled on his earlobe. Then I stop and he whimpers.

"Why would you do this, Sethie?" I ask.

"What?" He asks, looking a little confused.

"Stop playing dumb. Why the hell would you make a freaking sex tape?" I ask and he looks at me in shock.

"I never made a sex tape Ro" he says and I shake my head.

"Colb I know pretty damn well how my boyfriend looks. The worst thing is, you made it with your highschool best friend you haven't seen in years." I say and Seth burst into tears.

"H-he raped me Ro. He forced me to have sex with him then he threatened me." He says and I looked at him shocked.

"I-I need time to think, Seth" I say, standing up.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I sighed. "Somewhere Seth, anywhere, just not with you right now." I said and walked out of the room.

Im going away from Seth and away from Dean. I need to have some personal alone time, with no distractions!!!!

//Chapter 4.//
//Roman walked out on both Dean and Seth//
//Do you think Roman will stay with Seth or leave him?//

//Comment, Vote, Share.//

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