Beating Hearts

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Seth POV

I watched as Dean and Roman had sex, as Romie protected me even after what happened back at my hotel room. I stood behind the wall so Dean wouldn't see me as he stormed out of the room.

Finally this was my chance to have a talk with Roman. As I approached the door I could hear little sniffles from behind the door. Cracking open the door ever so slightly, I watched as Romie curled up into a ball and cry his eyes out.

"Hey Romie, are you okay?" I ask, stooping down to his level and rubbing his back gently.

"Its gonna be okay." I whisper, "theres no need to cry", I sit down to cradle him in my arms.

"Why are you comforting me after what I did to you?" Roman whispers, as though it were a secret, and somebody could hear.

"I'm comforting you because I care about you Romie and I never want to see you hurt." I said gently kissing his cheek.

"Deanie left, all because I defended you he-he" was all Roman could say before he went into a full on crying mode.

"Rome, please calm down. He'll come back" I said smiling weakly.

"Seth, I'm still in love with you. I need you Sethie." he cries lowly.

"Roman, I can't do this right now. I just got with Paris. I moved on, you should too." I lie, hurting a little inside but this is for the best.

"Leave now Rollins!" he yells and I sigh before exiting his room and going to my own.

I see Paris sitting on the couch watching television and I slid on to the couch and drape arm over her shoulders. She yawns lowly and rest her head on my chest. I kiss her forhead gently, as she drifts off to sleep. I rest my head back and decide to join Paris. I guess I'm bisexual now and I'm gaining feelings for her a little.

Roman's POV

As soon as Seth left, I curled back into a ball and cried harder. Why is everything in my life going wrong? Where is Dean when I need him, oh right I made him walk out.

I hear the front door open, probably Seth returning to check on me. I didn't bother looking up to see who it was.

"Rome." the voice speaks softly.

"I'm sorry Rome." the voice speaks again.

I looked up to see Dean. His cheeks were tear-stained and he was shaking a little. I got up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm the one who's sorry Deanie. This should've never happened." I say, smiling weakly.

"I love you Ro." he says and I chuckle lowly.

"What's funny?" He asked. His face was completely red, as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Its funny you came back so fast. It must mean we're meant to be." I say chuckling, as Dean joins me and chuckled also.

"I love you too D!" Roman says.

I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arm around my neck and I slowly kissed him. He kisses back slowly and gently. At that moment I could feel all the love Dean had for me in that passionate kiss. I feel a spark and it sends shivers down my spine. We continue making out to the point where Dean was straddling me on the bed. We finally pulled away for air after 15 minutes.

"That was-" Dean starts but I cut him mid sentence.

"Amazing" I say, breathing heavily.

He chuckles and climbs off me, pulling the covers over us. I turn over so that I was facing his back. He moves closer to my chest and I wrap my arms around him.

I don't need Seth and I don't miss him. I got all I need right here. I'm never letting go of Dean as easy as I let Seth go.

A/n I am sorry for taking so long. Writer's block is seriously the worst. I'm sorry that the update is short but the next one will be longer.

I'm thinking of changing the story to Ambreigns and Seth will be with Paris. Tell me what you think in the comment.

Baiii loves💋

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