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// This chapter is dedicated to the new boo reina_reigns//

Seth's POV

I keep on running until I find a nice alley I can hide in for the night. I'm not going to any WWE superstars' hotels because they might call Roman or Dean.

I call my friend Josh, who lives here in Cleveland, to ask him if I could stay the night and he says yes.

I walk all the way to Josh's house and knock on the door. He opens the door and hugs me tightly.

"Come in Colby. Long time no see" he says and I smiled.

"Yes it is. Nice place you got here" I say and he smiles.

"Thanks, my boyfriend went out for the weekend so I'm home alone" he says and I nod.

"Kool. I thought you were straight." I say and he shakes his head.

"Gay to the bone" he says and I nod.

"So am I " I say and he nods.

"So why this surprise visit?" He asks.

"Well, my boyfriend and I are having problems and I don't want to stay with any of my work friends, since they might call him. So I remembered you live here in Cleveland, so I thought why not catch up with you." I explain.

"Stay as long as you need to" he says.

He sits down on the couch and I sit next to him. We talk to each other and catch up on all the stuff that happened to both of us over the years.

Roman's POV

I haven't seen Seth and I'm getting a little worried. He's not with any superstar, since they would've contacted me already. To snap me out of my thoughts there is a knock on the door. I sigh and opened the door. Dean runs into my arms crying.

"Deanie, what's wrong?" I ask and he just cries harder.

"R-randy broke up with me. H-he said he was just using me for sex and I didn't give it to him so he bailed. H-he t-told me he was in another r-relationship anyway. Why Rome why??" He says crying harder and harder into my chest.

I lift him up and sit him on my laps, on the couch. He clings onto the ends of my shirt for dear life and I rub small circles on his back.

"Everything will be alright Deanie. You'll find someone" I say and he shakes his head.

"I-I L.......Nevermind" He says sadly.

I kiss Dean gently on the lips and he kisses back.

"R-Romie" he says sniffling.

"Yes Deanie" I say.

"I-i love you." he says, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too Deanie." I say and he smiles, weakly kissing my cheeks.

"Where's S-Seth?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know and I'm worried" I say and he looks into my eyes.

His piercing blue eyes, meeting my gray ones. I look away from him and sigh. I just look at the ceiling for some time. I hear soft snores and I look down to see Dean asleep.

I lift him up gently and lay him down on the bed. I kiss his forehead and sigh. Why do I keep doing this? Why am I leading Dean on when I'm with Seth! I feel so horrible for what I'm doing!!

I sigh putting on sweatpants and a band T-shirt, I decide to go for a run to clear my head. While running, I bump into someone running very quickly in the opposite direction. I stand up and offered the person my hand. The person stands there looking at the ground.

"Thanks" the person says.

That voice!! I know it anywhere. I then took a good look at the person's hair and saw the two-toned colour.

"Sethie" I say and he looks up.

He had scratches all over his face.

"R-Romie."he says and I pull him into a tight embrace.

"There you are Lopez" I hear someone yell and Seth tightens his grip around me.

"Who are you and what do you want with my boyfriend?" I ask and the person laughs.

"I'm Colby's best friend from highschool. I'm Josh. I was taking care of Colby but he ran off." he says and I look down at Colby to see him now crying hard.

"Baby boy" I say and he cried harder into my chest.

"Go, get away from him before I beat you up " I said and Josh laughed.

"I will, but I'll be back Joseph" he says and runs off.

How the hell did he know my name. I hug Colby tighter and rub small circles on his back. I walk him back to the hotel and lay him on the bed in our room, next to Dean, where he soon falls asleep. Dean wakes up and looks at me.

"Rome, is Sethie alright?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, he's not, but I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I am going to find out" I say and he nods.

"Good. I'm going to pack my stuff and move back into my old bedroom." He says and I nodded.

He gets off the bed and goes to Randy's hotel room to get his stuff. I lay down next to Seth and wrap my hands around him. He cuddles closer to me and I kiss his head. If this Josh guy did anything to my Sethie, I'm going to beat his ass!

//Chapter 3 done!!!//
//Ambreigns and Rolleigns there again//
//Should I put some Ambrollins tell me//
//Oh Roman how are you going to choose between two great guys//

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