Fixing us

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Roman's POV

"R-Roman I don't like a-anybody b-but y-you." He stutters.

He backs away in fear from me. Does he think I'm going to hurt him? I approach him slowly, but he runs away from me.


I really messed up this time.

I sit back down on the chair and tug on my hair roughly.

How can I be so stupid?

I see Paris exit Seth's hospital room and makes her way to the waiting room. I can't look at her face right now. I have no idea what happened between she and Dean, and until he tells me, I don't want to speak to her.

"Hey Roman, are things good between you and Dean? He seemed off when he walked into the room." She says.

I wanted to yell; 'why are you so focused on my man', but I didn't. I didn't want to start any drama. I just needed to fix whatever was wrong between Dean and I, and not pass my anger out on anyone.

I respond with silence and she nods her head awkwardly.

"He seems pretty scared of you." She says. 

"I would never physically hurt him, if that's what you're thinking." I say, annoyed.

"He could be scared because you were verbally abusive towards him too." She says.

"I know Paris. I can handle Dean, okay? Don't worry." I say.

"You really need to be a better person. You think that everything revolves around you. You think it's okay for you to do something, but not everyone else. Don't mistreat Dean, he loves you. You'll lose him for good, if you don't clean up your act." She says.

I ball up my fists in anger. How dare she speak to me like that? Who does she think she is? Seth's girlfriend? What makes her think she has the right to talk to me however she wants? And why is she so right?

I walk away from her and saunter down the hall. I come upon a hospital room, which is being emptied and I enter it, sliding down the wall and bringing my knees up to my chest. Tears spill from my eyes, as I think back to everything Paris said.

I need to clean up my act. Act like a better boyfriend and friend. I hope I get to talk to Dean, and we clear things up. He means too much to me, for me to lose him so easily. I'm not letting him go, without a fight.

"Rome?" I hear.

I glance upwards, to be met with the concerned face of Dean. He sits next to me on the ground and rubs my back.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Dean, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you and made you upset. I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions, without asking you. I don't want to lose you or scare you." I say, staring into his eyes.

He smiles and kisses my lips gently. I adore his beautiful blue eyes, as he prepares to respond to me.

"Roman, you saw me talking to Paris because she was giving me advice. I saw you giving Seth some looks and I grew insecure. She assured me that you only had eyes for me and that Seth thought he did something to make us both leave." He says.

"I've got to apologize to Seth too. I would never cheat on you. I know how bad that feels, Dean. I'm sorry you felt insecure about us. You don't have to worry." I say.

"Roman, can I really trust you? I know your past, I'm a part of it. I really want us to be together, but I feel like it's not worth it." He says.

I stare at him stunned. I've never given him good reason to trust me, I've hurt him in our short time of having a relationship and I do have a past of cheating; that's all the past.

"I'll make our future better, just wait and see. I won't cheat on you, or make you unhappy again; you can trust me." I say, hoping he accepts.

"I love you Roman. We can make our relationship work." He says, kissing my cheek.

I pull him in for a quick peck, before we get off the ground. He hugs me tightly and I tug him closer. I want to stay like this forever, but we have to return to Seth and that we do.

"Hey Sethie, I'm sorry you felt like you messed up earlier, the problem was between Dean and I." I say.

"Is everything good with you two now? Paris told me about it briefly." He says.

"Everything is superb with us." Dean says, holding my hand.

Dean's POV

I squeeze Roman's hand, as Paris enters the room. He should apologize for how he treated her earlier, even though I have no clue what happened between them.

"Hey, Paris." Roman says and I squeeze his hand in support again.

"Yes, Roman." She says.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I had no right. You were very accurate with your assumptions and that hurt me." He says.

"It's fine Roman, I'm glad that everything is okay between everyone." She says.

She extends her arms for a handshake and I practically toss Roman into her arms. They hug for a while before pulling away, bringing smiles to Seth and I's faces. The door swings open to reveal Dr. Mitchel and two male nurses.

"Visiting hours are done, kids. It's time for you to leave and return tomorrow." He says.

We all nod and ask to have two last minutes to say our goodbyes and he leaves, awarding us the privacy. Roman and I kiss Seth on his opposite cheek, while Paris pecks his lips.

"Bye Sethie, see you soon." I say.

"Bye babe, I'll be here tomorrow for you." Paris says.

"Bye guys, talk to you all tomorrow." Seth replies.

The doctor returns and we depart from the hospital and return to our hotel room.

"What a day." I say, flopping on the couch.

"Truly, what a day." Roman replies, laying his head on my laps.

I drift asleep, as fatigue consumes me.

"Goodnight Deanie." Roman whispers.

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