The Black Car *Chapter 30*

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I had wrote this chapter already but wattpad cut some of it off -__- so most of yall might have ready half or all of it already so, read away:)

*Chapter Thirty*

              ♪The Black Car♪

(Three Days Later) Wednesday


"Come on, Keri." I said as we both walk along the beach. "It will be fun."

"I don't know. I mean, I want to go but-"

"But, you don't like me?"

"No, Craig I do like you... a lot! But... I just don't want someone to hurt me again."

"But, don't think of it as a date. Think of it as... two friends, hanging out." She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Ok, guess I could go..." I smiled. "Great. Now lets head home so we could get ready." I grabbed her hand and we started walking again.

So I finally got her to go on a date with me... Even though she thinks its a friend thing. I've been asking for almost two days! And it wasn't easy at all. But just know, I'm gonna make it one of the best days of her life. :)


"Mom, stop following me!" I whined as I walked into the my room.

"But Jacob! You need to bring more excitement to my life!"

"How am I supposed to do that, Ma?"

"Uh... OH! Bring home that girl you went on a date with the other night. I wanna meet her!" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Ok Ma, what about tonight?" She screamed in happiness and clapped her hands.

"Great! I'm gonna go start dinner!" She ran out of my room, leaving a confused look on my face.

Ok that was... weird. I've been home for less then a week and my mom is already acting crazy. A new record. Anyway, I pick up my phone off the charger and check the time. 12:54. I type in my password, which is: Maria, and call her. After two rings, she picks up.

"Hey, baby." She answered happily. I smiled at the sound of her voice.

"Hey. I wanted to know if you would want to meet my mother tonight?" She was quiet for a little while.

"Uh... I don't know Jacob. What if she doesn't like me?" I chuckled a little.

"Don't worry, Babe. She will love you just as much as I do."

"Ok, what time?"

"I don't know yet. But I'll text you before I come get you."

"Ight. See you later Baby!" She yelled. I laughed.

"See you later." I ended the call and put my phone down on my bed.

I can't wait till my mom meets Ria. I know for a fact that she's gonna love her. :)

Anyways, all I could think about is our date the other night. Maria looked really beautiful. She was wearing a light pink and white sun dress that hugged her body, perfectly showing off her curves. She also had on light pink Toms and had her hair straightened. I took her to the beach, there we had a romantic picnic.

After we ate, we spent the rest of the night talking, admiring the sky, kissing, playing in the water and more kissing. The only problem we had was that we both felt like we were being watched. And there was a black car following us. But other than that, it was the best date I've ever been on. I also learned a lot more about her.

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