Part Of Her Plan *Chapter 31*

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*Chapter Thirty One*

                 ♪Part Of Her Plan♪


"That was not funny." She whined as I laughed.

We were just at a restaurant and this little kid came up to our table. He said that she is pretty and she said thank you. He left then we continued our conversation. When we were about to leave, the same little boy ran over to us, poked her on her titty and ran away. I found it kinda funny since it was off guard and since Keri was about to beat him with her purse.

"Ok, it's not funny. Now lets go." I grab her hand, pulling her toward my car.

I opened the door for her, then went over to the drivers seat. Now, I'm taking her to a park. I know it's sounds corny but its really not. The park that I'm taking her to is the only place in LA were you can see stars in the sky at night.

Keri is not like other girls. She doesn't like when things are to fancy, she is a family person, like me, and I notice that she has a lot of hurt in her eyes. Just Like Maria. From that, I could tell that the previous relationship she was in, didn't end well. That might be the reason why she didn't know if she should go on the date with me. She has trust issues.

"Where are we going now?" She asked.

"You will see when we get there." She sighed, with a smile on her face.

"Come on, tell me! I hate surprises..."

"Well, you will love this one..."

When we finally get there and I park my car. We both get out and I take her hand, walking her toward my favorite area in the park. As we walk, I admire her outfit. Which is a pair of red jeans, a gray crop top and gray Dr Martins. Her long, black hair was straightened and had a red headband at the front. She had a casual look but it look nice as well.

As we walked, she did nothing but look up at the stars in awe. We finally get to this red bench and we both sat down. She was still looking up at the sky.

"I didn't know stars could be seen in L.A." She finally said.

"I didn't either when I first moved here, but then I found this place."

"It's beautiful..." She smiled.

"Just like you..." She looked at me a blushed instantly.

We both looked at each other without saying anything. Her eyes were full of want. I know I wanted to kiss her and it was obvious that she wanted to kiss me too. So I did what my heart was telling me to do. Kiss her. Once my lips touched hers, I felt more than just sparks. And she kissed back with no hesitation.

But that's when someone shined their car lights on us, causing us to pull away from each other. I look in the distance to see a black car just... sitting there. And the weird part was that I seen that same exact car multiple times today and this whole week. I look over at Keri and she was looking at the car, scared as hell. Then she quickly stood to her feet.

"I-I have to g-go, Craig..." She slowly backed away from me.

"Why?" I asked. I was both sad and curious.

Without saying anything else, she ran away. I tired to chase after her but it was to late. She was gone, and it had something to do with that black car. Which was also gone...


"So what are you planing for your future, Hun?" She asked me as I helped her with the dishes. I smiled nervously.

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