Sup Fuckboy

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Calum's POV

*5 months later*

"Guess who just went shopping" Emily said as she walked through the door.

Michael shrugged and looked at her,"Did you get the pizza?".

She rolled her eyes and put down 2 extra large pepperoni pizzas in front of us.

*10 Mins later*

"You guys are all animals" she exclaimed as she picked up the two empty boxes.

"Come on, we have a show to get ready for" Luke told us.

"He's right. We should get ready" I said standing up.

"In 10 minutes" I said sitting back down next to Stephanie. Emily rolled her eyes.

"We have a 1 week break when we're in Colorado right" Luke asked.

"Yea" Ashton nodded.

"We should all go camping" Luke exclaimed.

"Sounds like a great idea" I smiled.

"But seriously, we have to be at the arena in an hour" Luke said.

"Shit" Michael mumbled.

During the concert we sang some songs. Cool story right?

"Alright the last song we're gonna play is She Looks So Perfect. If you know it. Sing along" Michael yelled into his mic.

The concert ended and we headed back stage go where Emily and Stephanie were.

*Colorado, in the woods*

"Ew, trees. Ew, sunlight. Ew, being outside in general sucks" Emily said.

"Are you a vampire" Ashton asked as he poked Emily's arm. She smiled and went back to walking.

"Calum, my heels are getting all muddy" Stephanie screeched.

"It's your fault for wearing heels" Michael snapped.

"Michael" I yelled.

"What? She can't take it" he scoffed and began following Emily to the camp site.

It was around 6 PM right now and the wifi sucked butt. We all went ahead and set up our tents. Michael and Emily. Ashton and Luke then me and Steph.

We all went by the lake. There was a wooden dock so we all sat there. For food, we had stuff in a cooler. As you can see, we aren't really nature experts.

"Anyone want to swim" Michael smirked.

"No" Luke said.

"Too bad" Michael said shoving him off the dock.

Luke arose from the water then he grabbed Michael's arm and pulled him into the water. Emily burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at" Michael questioned. They both pulled her legs into the water.

"You guys are both sick. I'm fucking soaked in lake water" she giggled. Michael wrapped his arms around her. Then he kissed her cheek.

Ashton pulled his shirt off and jumped into the lake.

I looked over at Stephanie. "Are we gonna get in or..."

"Um, you can but I don't want my hair to touch the filthy water" she said. I rolled my eyes and took my shirt off.

Michael and Luke threw their shirts onto the dock hitting Stephanie both times.

"Ewwww" she squirmed.

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