Fuck You, It's Punk Rock

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Calum's POV

"Now sit your ass next to Michael so we can practice" Ashton said. I groaned and sat next to Michael.

Emily's POV

After some long hours of them singing, yelling and laughing my bedroom door opened. The smell of sex and sweat was wrapped around me. Calum...

"You should come home" he said.

His chin was in the crook of my neck,"You keep bringing girls home and I keep walking in on you."

"So, it's not anything new. Just get used to it" he said.

"You're unbelievable" I said.

"Don't you miss Michael? I mean he is your best friend" Calum said trying to persuade me into coming home.

"I've been by his side every since we were 2." I said.

"CALUM! TIME TO GO HOME" Michael yelled.

"Text you later" he winked climbing off of my bed.

He walked out of my room and left the door open. Luke came upstairs,"Hey" he said.

"Hey Lucas. Don't you need to go home?"

"Sorta" he chuckled.

Ashton knocked on the door,"IM BOOORRED." He whined sitting down on the bedroom floor.

I laughed,"Go watch some Dragon Ball Z you nerd."

"Fuck you. It's punk rock" he said.

I rolled my eyes. I went to 'sleep' and the two boys left me alone. Damnit, I have school tomorrow.


Emily: What do you want???

Calum: You...

Emily: ...

Calum: 🍌+🍑= ❤️

Emily: Ew, frick you. Stop trying to pressure me into having sex with you it's never going to happen

Calum: We'll see about that 😏

Emily: Why do you always text me this late...Wait...who did you just fuck?

Calum: Some girl named Victoria but...she left me...

Emily: Okay, you just got home how did you meet a girl that quickly?

Calum: Babe, if only you knew what was on my phone 😏

Emily: Haha, I don't want to know 😂

Calum: Well, good night Bitch

Emily: Night dickhead

Calum: ...

Emily: I hate you...

Calum: love*

School was a pain in the ass. Right now, Ashton was taking me out for some food. Actually, we we're at McDonald's but good enough.

"We should go play some Pokemon or something" Ashton exclaimed happily.

"You're a really big geek, a cute one though" I said.

Ashton blushed,"And you're really pretty."

Luke's POV

I was scrolling through my old Instagram picutres. I looked at an old picture of me and Emily. Aww. I think we'd make an awesome couple. Don't you?

Oh my gosh, I think I like Emily...

Michael's POV

My best friend is at Ashton's house and Calum is having sex with some girl in his bed room. This is great...

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