I'm Hungover And It Fucking Sucks

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Calum's POV

She groaned and laid back onto my bed,"You know what? I hate you," she laughed.

I pulled her close,"You know what? I think we can do it."

"But we don't know for sure yet. You should get some pregnancy tests," she said.

"Em! It's too embarrassing," I yelled,"Plus here are paparazzi and people stalking me 24/7." She gave me a look. I finally gave in,"Alright, fine. I'll be back in 20. If I'm not then I died," I told her.

"Uh, huh. Whatever Cal," she laughed kissing my cheek.

I got out of bed and jumped up and down pulling on my skinny jeans. Then I slipped on an All Time Low tank top. I grabbed a beanie and pulled it over my head. Then I walked out the door and into my car.

I went to the nearest store to but pregnancy tests and quickly grabbed 3. You know, just in case one doesn't work or something. It was like 8:30-ish right now so...the only person at the cash registers was this one guy. I handed the 3 pregnancy tests to him. He quickly looked around me.

"Are these for you sir?" He asked.

I let out a chuckle,"Yes. You have no idea what goes on down there."

His eyes widened then he quickly stuffed the three boxes in the bag and handed me my reciept. I quickly got out of the store and then drove back home. When I got home Emily was still in my bed. I threw the bag on to my bed and she picked it up.

"I'll be back." She sighed.

After like 15 minutes, she came back out. "How'd it go?" I asked.

"They all say positive." She told me. She sat down next to me,"Calum, what are we gonna do?"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't be bummed out. In just a few months we'll have a mini us around the house. We'll finally have our own family. We can set the date for our wedding next month and then by the time we have a kid then we'll be married and moved out," I told Emily.

"We're gonna leave Michael?" She questioned.

"Honey, you're gonna have to eventually," I laughed,"But I'm gonna be there, so it'll be fine," I stated placing my hand on top of hers.

"Alright," she smiled. I kissed her forehead.

"Wait, do we tell the boys?" She asked.

"Nah, we'll wait," I told her.

*1 month later. One day before the wedding*

Emily's POV

So we haven't told anyone I was pregnant yet. And our wedding is tomorrow. Fuck.
Earlier today, me and Cal went house searching. We found the perfect house and Calum was gonna go seal the deal, in a few days. I can't believe I'm actually committing to spending my life with this dweeb.

*The next day*

Calum's POV

"Shit, Luke," I yelled. "Alright, alright. Hurry," he yelled.

Me and him quickly ran into the venue. While we were running we were putting on our suits and fixing our hair. We opened the door and quickly ran inside.

"Dany, where's Em?" Luke asked.

"Uhh, I think she's in the back room with my girlfriend," Dany told Luke.

"Alright, Cal. I'll be back in a sec," Luke told me.

I gave him a thumbs up and fixed my tie. Then I went into the bathroom to make sure my hair didn't look like a big mess. I walked out to see my family,"Dad. Uhhh, I need you to walk Em down the aisle," I told him.

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