Fuck This Shit

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Emily's POV

I ended the call and looked at Calum."Babe, what happened" Calum asked.

"We need to go to hospital" I said getting up.

"Why" Calum asked worriedly as he followed me downstairs. I threw him his keys and looked at him,"Michael has been hurt."

"Well...lets go" Calum yelled as we both ran out to his car.

We drove to the hospital silently. Except for the music playing in the background from Calum's playlist.

Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

I looked up at him. He glanced over at me,"I don't think we should be listening to this," he said skipping the song. I nodded slowly and wiped the tear rolling down my cheek.

Tonight, we're fading fast. I just wanna make this last. If I could, say the things that I need to say. I'd find a way to make you stay. Catch you in all the games we played.

"Ummm, let's skip this song too" he said. Gotta admit, that song was really good. But it just made me feel worse.

When I close my eyes and try to sleep. I fall apart. I find it hard to breathe. You're the reason, the only reason.

Calum turned the music off,"How about no music." We arrived at the hospital and went to the lady at the desk.

"Clifford, Michael" I said quickly.

"I'm sorry, but we only allow family members" the dumbass nurse said.

"I'm his best friend" I said.

"We can only allow family members in the room at the moment. You'll have to wait until his surgery is done" she told me. I glared at her and looked over to see Luke and Ashton. Calum dragged me over to them and made me sit down. I stared at the ground. What if he doesn't make it. Wait...I don't even know what happened,"Luke, what happened?"

"We were driving to the store...then this car hit the driver's side and the glass shattered and yea. Thank goodness me and Ashton were on the other side though" Luke sighed.
I glared at him.

"I mean, I hope Michael is okay." Luke said.

"But there were a lot of glass shreds that got jabbed into his skin. And his forehead was bleeding" Ashton said.

Calum must've seen the expression on my face, since he put his hand on mine and whispered ,"It's gonna be okay."

"Alright, you guys can go visit him right now" the nurse assured us.

"Lucas, did you call Karen and Daryl" I asked.

"Uh, yea. But they're both at work right now and can't make it" Luke said. Damn it. We walked into the room. Michael was laying there with a bandage wrapped around his head. There were a few cuts here and there. And he sprained his wrist. But I guess, that the glass that was scratched against his skin on his forehead was really bad and he lost a lot of blood.

We all stood there in silence listening to the monitor beep. After a few minutes it gave out a flat beep.

"Um, guys. What is that" I yelled panicky tugging on Ashton's shirt.

"Go get a Doctor" Calum yelled. Luke ran out of the room yelling 'Doctor'.

"Excuse me, but you guys will have to leave" the lady said pushing the 3 of us out.

"Wait, what-Michael" I yelled as tears ran down my cheeks.

We all sat in the waiting room, tears kept running down my cheeks like a waterfall.
Calum and Luke were crying too. Ashton was trying to comfort us, but after a couple of minutes he broke down. We were all a sobbing mess.

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