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"Strong enough to leave you
But weak enough to need you
Cared enough to let you walk away" - In case Demi Levato.

It was a beautiful morning with birds singing and the warm sunlight streaming in the window as Temari was slowly waking up, but it was not the sunlight or birds that was waking her up it was the soft constant knocking sound.

After a while Temari registered that the cause of the knocking was someone at the door, but she was hopelessly too comfortable too answer, besides said person will go away eventually, Temari thought to herself as she snuggled closer to her pillow while the pillows arm tightened around her waist.

"I know you're in there Shikamaru." Said person called from the door.

How can he possibly know that, Temari groaned deciding to keep ignoring said person. Temari's foggy mind was finally starting to wake up as she opened an eye. Temari realised two things at that moment, firstly that comfortable pillow she was snuggling was actually Shikamaru and secondly she new the said person at the door...


Temari raised her head of Shikamaru's chest slightly, listening if Neji was stil there.

"Temari, mind waking Shikamaru up for me?" Neji called from the door, amusement laced in his voice.

Dammit! Temari thought as she banged her head on Shikamaru's chest.

"Shikamaru wake up." Temari said as she nudged him but only received a groan as he attempted to pull her closer but failed when her foot connected with his ribs sending him flying of the bed.

"I said wake the hell up lazy ass!" Temari exclaimed from the bed glaring at a grumpy Shikamaru on the floor.

"And I told you to stay on your side!" Temari exclaimed glaring at Shikamaru who glared at the roof.

"I was on my side." Shikamaru said bluntly rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"Just get the bloody door." Temari said annoyed.

"Why don't you get the door?" Shikamaru groaned still on the floor.

"Have you seen how I look plus it's your apartment." Temari said rolling her eyes.

"Who's at the door?" Shikamaru sighed on the floor.

"Neji, now get your lazy ass to that door." Temari said threateningly.

"I'm going troublesome woman." Shikamaru said glaring at Temari as he stood up walking to the door cursing inwardly at the fact that Neji, out of all people, is at his door.

"What do you want?" Shikamaru said as he opened the door glaring at the start of his problem.

"Well good morning to you too." Neji said smirking.

"Go to hell Neji." Shikamaru sighed.

"Slept well last night? What happened to your shirt?" Neji asked slyly.

"Neji, do you sleep with a shirt in the middle of summer?" Shikamaru asked bluntly.

"No." Neji replied crossing his arms.

"My point exactly, now what do you want?" Shikamaru asked boredly.

"Good morning Temari, nice outfit, I see where Shikamaru's shirt went now." Neji smirked looking over Shikamaru's shoulder at Temari who tried to sneak past to the washing machine to get her clothes.

"Go to hell Neji." A fuming Temari answered while Shikamaru rubbed his templates.

"This is troublesome. What do you want Neji?" Shikamaru sighed.

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