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"If I could paint the sky, would all the stars be shining bloody red?" - Black out Days, Phantogram

Temari's eyes fluttered opened to the unfamiliar space she was in. She didn't remember getting sucked into her memories in an environment like this one. Although the environment was all too familiar to her and familiar in a way she wasn't proud of.

There was bodies littered over the floor looking like the memories she had with Gaara on missions, except these bodies wasn't as brutalized as those left in Gaara's wake when he was younger, before he changed. Even so she couldn't just blame all the familiarity on Gaara, she was guilty as well. She didn't just leave bodies when she was living with Orochimaru; she left the whole damn village burning.

Even though the floor was covered with bodies not all of them where dead. The Yamanaka's gasped. The room wasn't covered in much blood, but crimson still stained the walls as well as the floor. It seems most of the bodies on the floor suffocated or broke their necks. Temari gasped as well, but not for the same reason as the Yamanaka's.

Over the bodies towered a panting man. He looked exhausted and was somewhat covered with blood, but Temari couldn't tell if it was his own or not. Shikamaru faced the doorway breathing heavily as he still clutched the chakra blades in his hands. Blood was still dripping from the blades.

Ino opened the dome for Temari who rushed over towards Shikamaru.

"Hey, are you okay?" Temari asked worryingly as she examined him.

"I'm fine." Shikamaru said panting, but smiled when he saw her.

"What happened?!" Temari asked confused as she looked around.

"They started attacking and broke through the east border." Shikamaru sighed.

"Where was Lee and Tenten, they weren't supposed to get past them so quickly." Temari said with a scowl.

"They took a lunch break." Shikamaru said bluntly making Temari sweat drop, but shook her head.

"What I don't understand is why are they attacking? It's still only day one." Temari asked as she gently took his chakra blades from him and placed it back in his ninja pouch.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling they were targeting you that's why they attacked only the East border." Shikamaru said as Temari wrapped her arm around his waist and took his arm and guided it around her neck.

"So he sent a whole army after me?" Temari asked with a raised eyebrow as she started leading Shikamaru to the door helping him walk, but she soon remembered the results of her gaining her memories while she still had the curse mark feeding of it.

Her legs suddenly gave in causing the both of them to fall to the ground. They were both exhausted and stressed and the only thing they could do about it was laugh.

"This is not a funny situation!" Ino said scolding them as she towered over them with her hands on her hips.

"We need to get to the headquarters ASAP and I think it'll be better to leave you two here momentarily. Kankurou, Tenten and Lee is just outside fighting and Sakura's on her way." Ino said still worried.

"No, keep her on her post. I don't want any gaps if Orochimaru decides to surprise us." Shikamaru said firmly as he stood up with Temari as they supported each other.

"It's okay Ino we'll be fine, Shikamaru's just tired and I only have a headache, now go." Temari said with a reassured smile.

Ino looked like she wanted to argue, but nodded in the end before she left with her clansmen. As a friend Ino didn't want to leave them there alone in their states, but as a shinobi she had to follow orders, even if she was worried.

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