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"And I feel life for the very first time, love in my arms and the sun in my eyes. I feel safe in the 5am light, you carry my fears as the heavens set fire" - Technicolor Beat, Oh Wonder.


"Come on Shikamaru, wake up!" Temari said worryingly as the rain poured down on them.

Temari coddled Shikamaru's head on her lap. It was already 5 am in the morning, but it was still dark and cold. It was always darker before the dawn after all.

"Please wake up." Temari said desperately as she applied pressure to his nasty stab wounds, but Shikamaru didn't move.

"I said wake up dammit!" Temari said scowling as fear started building up in her stomach.

"I can't do this alone, please wake up." Temari said lowering her voice to a whisper while her voice cracked as tears started swelling up in her eyes.


An hour earlier:

Temari had a permanent scowl on her face as she sat in the chair in Shikamaru's room. It was almost four in the morning and they were almost in the clear. Temari watched the clock as time ticked on. Time waited for no one. Shikamaru had convinced Naruto and Gaara that they should stick together while Hinata and Kankurou stayed at his place with Temari.

Currently Hinata was sound asleep in Shikamaru's bed while Kankurou made himself cozy on the floor. Temari sat quietly in a dark corner on Shikamaru's comfy chair while she crossed her legs and kept a hand on her fan which leaned against the chair.

She was on second to watch, while Kankurou kept watch first. Being on watch alone gave Temari plenty of time to wonder how the boys where doing. Surely most of the deadliest assassins would attack them. Even though they were extremely strong, with two of them being Kage's and all. She still worried. Temari got sucked out of her worrying as she saw the clock strike four. Her turn was almost done then the war would start, just a few hours more.

So far the night was still and she had no problems. There was a few people who tried to sneak in, but Temari quickly made dispose of them. Temari sat and kept guard over her little brother and a pregnant Hinata as they slept. What she didn't know was how even though Shikamaru planned on them not getting involved, that wasn't the problem. The problem was shikamaru getting involved.

"Tick, tock." A whispered voice echoed through the room eerily.

Temari's eyes narrowed as she couldn't find the source of the voice. She stood up and tightened her grip on her fan.

"Come out." Temari hissed at the voice.

"Time is running out." The voice continued her ominous hushed song.

"I'm tired of this game, come out now." Temari said in a low tone as she glared at the empty room.

"Your warning is coming, what will you do?" She continued singing as she became amused.

"Kick your ass, now come out dammit!" Temari hissed, she couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from since it echoed everywhere in the room.

"I'm right here." The voice said evilly.

Temari spun around in time to dodge her hidden sword and opened her fan which smacked the woman's other hidden sword away.

This woman made Temari shiver, she bore a striking resemblance towards Hikari that haunted Temari even if she didn't like Hikari, but it felt like she came back from the dead. She had the same wavy brown hair that Hikari did, but wore it in a high ponytail. She wore the same style the stone shinobi did except she had two loose sleeves instead of one and hid both her swords in them.

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