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"Said her father left her young and He said he'll be back with that same tone that you just said you'll stay forever with." Autumn leaves Chris brown
The next day Shikamaru and his team woke up and discussed what they where going to do to find Temari. They had no idee where Orochimaru's hideout was located and they also had no idee what he was planning.

"So what do you want to do, Shikamaru?" Sakura asked.

"It's quite simple actually we walk around town until Temari decides to come out and then we go pay her a visit." Shikamaru shrugged nonchalantly.

"So we're just going to walk aimlessly around town the whole day." Neji scoffed.

"Not exactly." Shikamaru said.

"What if she stays in the hideout the whole day."Chouji asked munching on some chips nobody knew where he got, since the stash he had was finished.

"She won't." Shikamaru shrugged as he walked out the room.

"And how do you know that?" Sakura asked catching up to him.

"Becuase I know her, she was never one for dark, gloomy places." Shikamaru said walking with his hands in his pockets.

Shikamaru and his team walked around town exploring the streets and hangouts and later they settled in the bar Temari was in last night.

"Shikamaru, why are we in a bar?" Sakura asked confused.

"Becuase we're waiting." Shikamaru sighed as he sat down.

"In a bar?" Sakura asked.

"Yes Sakura we're waiting in a bar, how very observant of you." Shikamaru said exaggerated as Sakura glared at him.

They actually didn't wait that long before Shikamaru felt a tug on his shadow, indicating Temari came out of hiding.

"I found her." Shikamaru said bluntly as he stood up while the rest followed him silently.

They walked towards the forest where he fought Temari last night, but he didn't stop there he kept going until they finally came across Temari's group who walked towards them unknowingly.

"It's you again, how did you find me?" Temari glared at Shikamaru as he blocked her path.

"I have my ways." Shikamaru smirked.

"Sakura go for the white haired Yamanaka. Neji go for the girl she won't be able to use her reaper kiss on you since you use a kin justsu and Chouji go for the big guy, but be careful we don't know anything about him." Shikamaru whispered before Temari replied.

"Of course you do, what do you want?" Temari asked crossing her arms.

"I told you last night, didn't I?" Shikamaru replied making her group look at her, but she didn't look affected at all.

"You were in Iwagakure last night." The Iwagakure girl gaped at Temari.

"Yes Hikari, I was." Temari sighed irritably.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Hikari exclaimed.

"You don't like Iwagakure." Temari said through gritted teeth.

"I do if there are people as hot as him in there." Hikari squealed.

"Hikari, shut up and focus." Temari said threateningly as she glared at her.

"Don't be selfish you only met him last night." Hikari scoffed.

"This is troublesome, can't we just get on with this." Shikamaru sighed.

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