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"A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, but I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven." - A drop in the ocean, Ron Pope.
It was day time in the land of lightning. It would've been warm, but it was winter so it was cold. However there were no clouds in the blue sky. Shino sent one of his tracker bugs to locate his comrades and the leaf village and as it turns out Chouji was the closest go him.

That's how Shino ended up here. On the path you take from the Leaf to the Cloud. Under a tree. In the cold shade. He was leaning against the tree with crossed arms as he watched Chouji battle with Iwagakure ninja. He watched as Karui jumped over Chouji and came to his aid.

He watched as Karui and Chouji walked together to the Cloud village... Without him...

"They didn't even notice me... Not even the Iwagakure ninja saw me." Shino said in his emotionless depression.


The cold unwelcoming breeze creeped through the contradicting warm coloured, lofty crop of golden grass, almost like it was trying to hide from the ominous abyss of the night that threatened to consume all that is and will be.

Even though the night could be eerie, that was only natural for the land of water.

A land familiar with mist even more consuming than the black abyss itself.

Shikamaru's eyes opened slowly and lazily. His eyes looked straight at the starry sky that was above him. Well at least that's where he knew the sky would be. Shikamaru couldn't quite see the stars above him due to the excessive mist that surrounded him.

Even though he knew the faded weren't dead, it surprise him slightly that he was still alive. However what his eyes showed him saddened him slightly. Shikamaru opened and closed his eyes to be sure that what he saw was in fact reality and not just a dream.

But the landscape and mist around him didn't change in the slightest. He was still lying on his back in the long golden grass. The grass gave a warm and welcoming illusion, but the cold air shocked him back to reality.

Last time shikamaru was awake he was sitting in the warm Hokage office watching the red sunset and doing troublesome paperwork Naruto should be doing if he hadn't disappeared, now he was lying on his back in the middle of a cold savanna grass land. He had no idea how long he has been unconscious or where the hell he even was.

He only knew he was somewhere in the land of waves. The mist gave it away. Shikamaru was completely alone in the middle of a grass field with golden lofty grass that came up to his hips. He wondered where Chouji was as well as Naruto, Ino, Mirai, Kurenai and all his other friends, especially Temari. Where the hell did she end up?

Whoever made them disappear must've used some sort of space, time jutsu to teleport everyone to a different remote area, but he doubted that anyone could survive a jutsu of that magnitude. Plus Sasuke was the last man in the world with a Rinnegan that they knew of.

Shikamaru sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets never letting his guard down. Shikamaru lifted his head so his eyes could meet the sky, but it wasn't for his desire to watch or be the clouds. It was to see the position of the moon. However he couldn't find the moon due to the heavy must hanging in the air.

Shikamaru didn't exactly know where he was, but he knew his village was plus minus West from the village hidden in the mist which was somewhere on this damn troublesome island. So if he found the mist village he could just keep going west then he'll reach the coast near Konoha. From the coast he'll be able to find his way back to Konoha. However the million dollar question is in which direction is the mist village.

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