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"I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't really matter I had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn't really matter" In the end Linkin park.


It's been 2 years since Temari lost her memories and lived with Orochimaru and his low lives at his hideout in the land of earth. Temari didn't like the dark and gloomy little underground village Orochimaru had, it was depressing. So Temari frequently sat outside or went to the stone village (Iwagakure) that was actually quite close to the hideout, but Orochimaru didn't approve of her little trips at all.

Since the day Orochimaru found her at the abandoned hideout in the Land of sound he's been training her to control her curse mark and teaching her about everything she couldn't remember anymore.

"Where are you going?" A hyper quirky voice asked behind her.

In the 2 years Orochimaru was helping her he also decided to start the new sound 4, his right hand. Kabuto was obviously his left hand. The group consisted of Hikari, Minoru, Kuro and of course Temari herself.

Hikari was the youngest of the group and is a quirky hyper girl that's always happy, she had long wavy brown hair that she wore loose, but she tied the front hair backwards and she had big blue coreleun eyes. She wore a light purple dress like outfit that was tight fitting but loosens at her arms after her elbow and her thighs. She wore black shorts under her dress where it splitted on the sides and shinobi sandals with the same purple rope like sash they all wear.

Temari didn't really know and didn't care why she joined Orochimaru, she just appeared one day after Temari's training, it could be because of daddy issues for all she knows. Hikari liked to play with her enemy's before she killed them which was quite annoying because it takes time, but the reason Orochimaru chose her to join was because of the fact that she could use any chakra nature plus some unique abilities thanks to her reaper kiss, she was a descendant of a woman who could use reaper kiss, Hikari told Temari about it but she wasn't paying attention because Hikari just kept on talking and couldn't shut up ever. Orochimaru actually found her in the stone village.

Minoru was always calm and tried to dissolve the fights between the group, well mostly just Temari's temper. He had white hair that he tied in a ponytail letting some hair loose in the front of his ears and spiky hair on the top of his head with blue eyes mixed with some green. He originally belonged to the Yamanaka clan but Orochimaru found him a fascinating experiment, that's why his hair is white, an experiment gone wrong. He originally came from the leaf village and had the same abilities as the Yamanaka clan only stronger and he could project himself some distance away from his body like a holograph.

Minoru wore a plain long loose fitting shirt with loose fitting pants and like them all also the purple rope sash and shinobi sandals. Rather plain if you ask her.

And lastly Kuro. Kuro was the oldest as well as the muscles of the group. He has a dark personality and is quite rude at times and he liked to brood alone in his room. Kuro had long, spiky, black hair and purple eyes and was unnaturally long and strong for his age. Temari had no idea where Orochimaru found Kuro and he didn't talk about it either, but Temari's theory is that he was an orphan and was alone all his life until Orochimaru found him and took him in recently, it would explain his moodiness. He wore a sleeveless grey shirt on and baggy pants using the rope sash as a belt with the bow on his left side instead of behind him and black shinobi sandals as well as black fingerless gloves like Temari.

"Out." Temari answered bluntly.

"Are you going to Iwagakure?" Hikari asked crinkling her nose, she didn't like that place at all.

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