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"I watched you hold the son in your arms while he bled to death. He grew so pale next to you. The world is so pale next to you. Your hair is coxcomb red, your eyes are viper black." - Coxcomb red, Songs: Ohia

The peaceful land of the land of warriors have experience calmness to their land for quite some time, but since the incident in the leaf village there was a certain individual causing amok almost everywhere his strong legs carried him.

The man stayed unknown to the citizens of the land of warriors and those of them who made contact never spoke of whom they met. They only mumbled something about youth, a green jumpsuit, extreme strength training and lastly a woman. Nothing else was known about that man.

He traveled in the day, occasionally challenging and demolishing every dojo he came across, and disappeared in the night. But as far as the dojo's go, he remained undefeated. Yet he never stayed or claimed them as his own. He traveled so fast no normal eye could see him coming, they could only feel the wind he left in his wake. However some have seen the green blur ran past. Not even trained eyes could fully follow his movements.

The people believed however that he disappeared at night to sleep, or defeat a warrior village with the lands proudest warriors. Who was this man? They did not know. But it has been heard that he goes by the nickname the green beast of Konoha.

At least the daimyo now knew where to send the bill for each dojo the green beast damaged...

Lee grimaced at the boy who told him all this. The boy seemed slightly amused by Lee's reaction. He was a young kid, Lee guessed him to be around 9 years old. A little older than Mirai. He tried to steal from Lee while Lee gave a passionate speech about training hard to a samurai.

However to the little boy's dismay Lee had noticed his antics and when he tried to run away Lee simply grabbed his color and refused to let him go, exclaiming how unyouthful his behavior is. The boy struggled in his grip to get away, but after a while he realized it was futile and gave up with a loud sigh. The boy had rugged dirty clothes with dirty hair to match. His hair was a red that seemed to compete against the red of Gaara's hair. A red that mimicked blood.

He had skin that was familiar with the sun and didn't burn easily beneath its rays, but somehow his skin stayed fair and was paler for someone who spent so much time in the sun. His eyes took on a dark color that resembled black, like Sasuke's onyx eyes, with a lighter shade of black rims around the edges that never seemed to miss any detail of his surroundings. They were eyes that noticed.

The samurai apologized for the boy's actions and offered to take him away, but Lee told him it wasn't necessary he'll handle it. However the samurai only wanted to escape from Lee's youthful speech. So with a soft sigh he listened on. After what felt like hours for the samurai and the boy did Lee finish and the Samurai excused himself and escaped.

Lee focused his attention on the boy now. Lee gave him a speech of how unyouthful his actions where and that he should aspire to be a better man. The boy didn't have much of a choice, but to listen. Until he asked if Lee wasn't looking for a woman, which shifted Lee's attention. But it didn't make him go away. Lee asked him how he knew that so the boy told him and here they are now.

However Lee had let go of the boy's color, but still he couldn't escape from lee. He knew Lee was faster than him, by far.

"I'm not that bad." Lee said frowning down at the boy with tattered clothes.

"Come on. You destroy half the dojo's you challenge. It's insane! Plus you scare commoners shitless every time you run by unexpectedly." The boy said rolling his eyes.

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