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"Makes me feel like I can't live without you. Yeah, it takes me all the way. I want you to stay." - Stay Rihanna

After Naruto dropped Hinata off he returned to help everyone set up for the war and after they had everything ready they went home while Naruto went back to Sakura to pick Hinata up. He didn't want her to be alone if she was sick.

Temari left with Shikamaru and they went to his house. They agreed that she'll sleep on the bed and he'll sleep on the couch, after some bickering and teasing of course. However Temari couldn't fall asleep, something was bothering her and she didn't know what. Maybe it was the war that was coming that bothered her because where there was war there was death and death always led to pain. She tossed around in bed nervously until she finally managed to calm her nerves somewhat and fall asleep.

The moon was almost full and it lit the sky up brilliantly as the stars danced across the sky, but as the cool breeze came it brought ominous black clouds with it. Yet the night was eerily peaceful, until a scream broke the silence of the night.

"What's wrong?!" Shikamaru asked alerted as he rushed into the room looking around until his eyes fell on Temari.

It was one of those rare moments when her hair hung loose and wasn't tied up in four ponytails. She sat up and panted with wide eyes, as though something was hunting her. She wore short purple pants with one of Shikamaru's shirt which was too big for her.

The shirt was so long you couldn't see the lavender shorts she was wearing. Her golden dirty blond hair hung over her frightened face. Shikamaru noticed it was longer than it usually was, but it was still beautiful. Just like her teal eyes that haunted him when she was gone.

Temari lifted her head and her mesmerizing teal eyes met his warm brown ones making her relax again when she saw Shikamaru entered the room. She groaned and fell back on the bed not answering Shikamaru's question making him chuckle.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Shikamaru asked as he walked over to the bed.

"Yes." Temari sighed closing her eyes.

"About what?" Shikamaru asked as he lay down on his bed next to her.

"The times I was back with Orochimaru... What are you doing?" Temari asked opening her eyes with a raised eyebrow as she turned to her side to look at Shikamaru while he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I got tired of the couch." Shikamaru smirked making her roll her eyes.

"Whatever." Temari replied as she rolled her eyes and turn on her other side while Shikamaru pulled her closer to him.

"You know you got nightmares just before you disappeared as well." Shikamaru said as his fingers crawled under his shirt she was wearing and ran his fingers over her bare skin on her waist.

"Maybe it means something." Temari said sarcastically.

"Don't jinx it." Shikamaru replied.

"There's a war coming bad things are going to happen, like it or not." Temari sighed.

"Fate can't be that cruel. I'm not letting you go again." Shikamaru said starting to draw circles on her skin.

"Don't bet on it yet." Temari said.

"Go to sleep troublesome woman." Shikamaru said still drawing circles on her skin.

"I should be telling that to you lazy ass." Temari laughed, his cool fingers tickling her warm skin.

"I missed you Temari." Shikamaru said as his fingers stilled and he pulled her even closer.

"I know." Temari replied softly as her hand found his and she intertwined her fingers with his while his cool hand still rested on her warm skin.

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