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"Since I was young, I knew I'd find you. But our love was a song sung by a dying swan. And in the night, you hear me calling, you hear me calling. And in your dreams you see me falling, falling. Breathe in the light. I'll stay here in the shadow. Waiting for a sign, as the tide grows. Higher, and higher, and higher. And when the nights are long. All those stars recall your goodbye, your goodbye." - Oblivion, M83 feat. Susanne Sundfor

The war was finally over even though it didn't last very long, but almost all Konoha's forces where now gone as well as their Hokage. However Shikamaru didn't rest after he helped fight in the war. He didn't go to the barbecue place with the remaining members of the Konoha 12 to celebrate.

He headed straight over to the hospital after the fighting. He needed to see lady Tsunade as soon as possible. The village was left without a Hokage and he needed to find someone to fill the roll until Naruto returned. A village couldn't operate without a Hokage.

He would've asked Kakashi to act as Hokage for the time being, but Kakashi was nowhere to be found so Shikamaru assumed he was one of the missing. Shikamaru entered the hospital and looked around. However something struck Shikamaru as strange.

Even though the people in the hospital was injured, not one of them where disappearing. He also noticed none of the villagers was disappearing. In other words, from all the categories Shikamaru placed everyone in, only the normal villagers and injured aren't disappearing.

Shikamaru walked to the receptionist and asked for lady Tsunade's whereabouts. He followed the directions he was given until he found lady Tsunade in a room helping injured people.

"Lady Tsunade." Shikamaru said leaning against the doorframe.

Lady Tsunade looked up from her clipboard and to Shikamaru. She looked as young as ever, but in reality she counted as one of the elderly. Her appearance is thanks to her jutsu. Her appearance is only an illusion. However from all of the three Sannin, Jiraya was the only one who aged normally.

Shikamaru knew if Jiraya was still alive he would've looked like a pervy old grandpa by now while Tsunade and Orochimaru still looked how they looked 30 years ago.

"Shikamaru, what are you doing here? Are you hurt?" Tsunade asked looking him over for serious injuries.

"No, I need to speak to you privately." Shikamaru said seriously.

"Alright." Tsunade said nodding her head as she saw the seriousness in Shikamaru's eyes.

She handed the clipboard to a nurse then left the room followed by Shikamaru. They walked in silence until they reached the very top of the hospital. The roof.

"Have you been fighting Shikamaru? You're covered in cuts." Tsunade asked with crossed arms.

"Yes, but my part helped end the war. But that's not what I want to talk about." Shikamaru said.

"What is it you want to talk about Shikamaru?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm sure Sakura informed you about the disappearances." Shikamaru said

"Yes, she did and I've noticed it myself as well." Tsunade nodded.

"Naruto disappeared and the village needs someone to run it in his absence." Shikamaru said looking Tsunade in her eyes.

"And you want me to be Hokage again?" Tsunade asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Shikamaru nodded.

"What about Kakashi?" Tsunade asked.

"He disappeared as well. That's why I'm asking you." Shikamaru said.

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