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"Too far away to feel you, but I can't forget your skin. Wonder what your up too. What state of mind your in. That's when I run all of these thousand miles to get you back." - Thousand miles Tove Lo

It was 2 years since Shikamaru lost Temari and life was the same as usual except with less joy it had every few month when Temari decided to come to Konoha, because in the end he enjoyed her company even if she is troublesome.

At the moment Shikamaru was sitting at his favourite spot under a tree on a cliff. He found himself spending a lot of time under that tree the past 2 years but not because of his lazy habit to sleep or look at clouds, but actually searching for Temari.

He kept himself as busy as he possibly could because all he could think about was Temari and he didn't know how to make it stop, so he threw himself under work to keep his mind busy, which was ironic due to his lazy nature.

And that's why Shikamaru has a gennin team instead of just training Mirai every now and then like he planned, but life always did like to kick his plans in the ass. Shikamaru's team was away on a mission to Suna with Ino as their captain while he was sitting under his tree.

He didn't feel like facing Gaara or Kankurou. The last time he saw them it didn't go very well, when he told them of Temari's abduction Kankurou went on a rage and yelled at Shikamaru while Gaara was eerily silent but he didn't miss the fact that Gaara's gourd was shaking wildly and for a moment he contemplated on pulling the stopper out and release all the trapped sand inside, but that would be pathetic. Kankurou was not happy about the fact that Shikamaru's attention shifted away from him and quickly brought it back to himself by punching Shikamaru then continued his rant while Shikamaru just stood there wishing he could simply walk away.

Shikamaru felt frustrated that 2 years went by and he still didn't have a clue where the hell she was, but every now and then his shadow would get a trace of where she was and when he told Naruto he would tell him to wait for back up or a team, but when they were finally ready to leave Temari would yet again vanish without a trace.

Shikamaru was just about to start focusing his chakra and look for Temari when he almost got ran over by a green flash.

"Lee, what the hell are you doing?" Shikamaru asked with a twitching eyebrow as he laid on his back next to the tree where he fell out of the way.

"I have came to inform you that I have returned from my mission!" Lee exclaimed proudly.

"Why are you informing me about it, go inform Naruto about it." Shikamaru said annoyed.

"I already did, he told me to fetch you!" Lee exclaimed.

"Why? It's just a mission report." Shikamaru said rubbing his templates.

"I don't know, he just told me to call you. Do you want me to carry you there, it would be excellent training!" Lee exclaimed with a fist.

"Do not touch me." Shikamaru said quickly before Lee could throw him on his back.

"How troublesome." Shikamaru sighed as he stood up and walked to Naruto's office with a disappointed Lee next to him.

"I thought your team had a mission!" Lee exclaimed next to Shikamaru.

"They have, Ino's with them." Shikamaru shrugged.

"Oh, why didn't you go?" Lee asked.

"Because Lee, I'm busy." Shikamaru sighed.

Lee kept quiet when they entered the Hokage's mansion and soon enough they were at Naruto's office.

"What do you want Naruto?" Shikamaru asked after he walked in the office.

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