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"When we say our last goodbye, I'll be the one to say I hope you stay." - Clarence coffee jnr run to me


Shikamaru sat patiently under a tree waiting for Temari and Orochimaru to wake up. He was pretty sure they were going to wake up any minute because when he left Gaara looked like he wanted to crush something. And soon enough they did wake up with a satisfied smirk on Orochimaru's face.

"Shikamaru, what a pleasant surprise." Orochimaru said amused.

"Troublesome snake." Shikamaru sighed boredly.

"I knew you weren't dead." Orochimaru smiled eerily.

That statement and the smugness in Orochimaru's voice made Shikamaru wonder if there wasn't a mole in Konoha.

"But I bet it would've been real convenient for you if I was." Shikamaru said boredly as he stood up while Orochimaru and Temari did.

"Of course. So to what do I how the honour?" Orochimaru smiled chocking his head to the side slightly.

"Temari's coming back with us whether you like it or not." Shikamaru said boredly.

"I'm getting bored of this silly conversation, get rid of him Temari." Orochimaru said with a displeased expression.

Shikamaru watched as Temari walked over to him. He wanted to believe she was on their side and that she'll leave Orochimaru and come back to them, but the facts point against all the things he prayed. He watched her with sad eyes as she approached him with a kunai. How can she be so loyal to Orochimaru, what did he do to her?

"Are you really going to kill me?" Shikamaru asked softly.

"What's wrong with you?" Temari asked ignoring him as she talked quickly.

"Nothing's wrong with me." Shikamaru answered surprised.

"Sakura kept glaring at you at the meeting. Now tell me Shikamaru, what's wrong with you?" Temari said glaring at him.

"Nothing." Shikamaru said.

"Don't lie to me and don't waste my time Shikamaru! What is wrong with you?" Temari exclaimed softly.

"I have internal bleeding, but it's not that bad." Shikamaru sighed.

"You had internal bleeding for two months, what the hell happened?" Temari asked shocked.

"You stabbed me then Sakura operated on me, but my heart stopped and she still can't find the origin of my internal bleeding." Shikamaru said.

"Your heart stopped?" Temari barely whispered looking up at him with sad, that was the slowest she talked the whole time.

"I'm sorry." Temari tightened her grip on the kunai and stepped closer to Shikamaru as his eyes widened.

Temari stared at Shikamaru's eyes as she swung her kunai at Shikamaru's stomach, but instead of stabbing Shikamaru she stabbed herself, her left hand. She stood close to him so Orochimaru would believe that she was stabbing Shikamaru and then Shikamaru didn't have to die. She didn't flinch at the pain at all she just kept staring at Shikamaru's eyes, but she also had experienced much worse than this.

"What the hell are you doing!" Shikamaru exclaimed in shock.

"Shut up! I don't want Orochimaru hearing us." Temari scowled.

"Why?" Shikamaru asked narrowing his eyes.

"Because I'm saving you." Temari said.

"I'm not letting you go again." Shikamaru said determined.

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