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Heeyy guys, I'm suuuuper sorry if you thought this was a new chapter, however I can tell you that it'll probably be up this weekend or early next week. I'm almost done, science is just keeping me from posting it *sigh*.

This will probably have a few spelling errors and grammar errors, but I'm too lazy too run it through spell check. Yes, I use spell check....

Anyway thanks daughter_of_wisdomm for tagging me in this random thingy, I feel super loved (that was not sarcastic)(←that was also not sarcastic).

Anyway thanks daughter_of_wisdomm for tagging me in this random thingy, I feel super loved (that was not sarcastic)(←that was also not sarcastic)

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Luckily I didn't break any rules, therefore I will absolutely not be singing...

13 facts about me:

1) I am an extremely sarcastic person...it's my defence against stupidity... but my best friend always ask me stuff like how does she look for example then I say she looks good then she looks at me for a while and ask if I was sarcastic just now and I'm like no, not everything I say is sarcastic then she replies with but it sure does sound that way so I just roll my eyes...

2) If you want to get an idea of my personality you just have to mix Temari's personality with Shikamaru's. I have her sassiness and his laziness.

3) I've been called scary and intimidating, yet they also call me cute (which is very contradicting if you ask me). These bipolar people who can't make up their minds... *rolls eyes*

4) I am 18 years old and I am straight... and also have no boyfriend... *sigh*

5) I'm also known to be devious and to think like a criminal (it's quite handy if you want to get away with things you're not suppose to do)

6) I say troublesome in my home language quite often, but in my defence I started saying it before I started watching Naruto.

7) English is not my home language and I take it as a second language at my school ( however in a month I'll be done with high school, then I won't have English as a subject anymore).

8) I am part of a twin.

9) I have concentration problems as well as anxiety (even if people can't see it, since I look like the most chilled person on earth that doesn't stress at all. Hell, I don't even know when I'm stressing, that's how chilled I feel).

10) I haven't learned for a single test this year, yet I still do alright in school (probably could've been a A candidate student if I learnt and didn't have science or math. Those two bring me down to a B candidate). I always say I am going to learn, but in the end I just sit with a book open in front of me while doing other things that is not remotely close to studying (like right now).

11) I talk a lot and I'm not shy. I'm also a very confident person.

12) I'm like all the other typical girls who is attracted to bad boys and I'm a sucker for blue eyes with dark hair, especially if they're taller than me (which isn't very hard since most people is taller than me)

13) I love anime and is impatient so I read the latest manga chapters to see what will happen in the anime... but after reading the bleach manga I don't really want to watch bleach anymore (my fellow ichiruka fans that read the manga will understand).

Well that's it from my side... Sorry for those I don't know at all, but still randomly tagged (I ran out of people I know so if you commented and I saw then you where tagged. But it is a good thing so keep commenting!). I don't really know a lot of people on Wattpad, but at least I did make a few new friends :P

The people I tag will be:


Oh and guys look at this chapters picture, it's the funniest thing I have ever seen! I couldn't decide which picture I wanted because I had tons too choose from, but in the end I just settled with this one... Anyway have an fantastic evening further and pray that your author won't die tomorrow. Physics is a bitch... However if I survive tomorrows test you'll probably find me at the bar (after my dance class)... Feel free to comment at anything!

You can also comment what you want to see in this story (TheOpalMiku I know you want Shikadai :P) and if you don't like something you read let me know.

Good night lovelies :P 

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